Commit 32d71dbd authored by 吴春's avatar 吴春


parent 1e506e3f
......@@ -151,7 +151,10 @@ namespace Edu.Model.ViewModel.User
/// </summary>
public decimal OrderIncome { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 订单报入类型(1-正常报入,2-插班报入,3-续费订单,4-转班订单,5-分拆订单)
/// </summary>
public int JoinType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 订单退款
/// </summary>
......@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ WHERE Group_Id ={group_Id} and `Status` =0 and IsSureConsultTime =1 and CreateTi
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
SELECT t.StuId, t.StuName, t.StuTel, t.StuIcon, t.StuSex, t.StuBirth, t.Group_Id, t.School_Id, t.Status, t.CreateBy, t.IsDisable, t.StuStatus, t.Interest, t.JapanBaseInfo,t. CustomerId,t. StuProfession, t.StuEducation, t.StuPurpose, t.StuSource, t.StuAddress, t.StuContract, t.StuContractMobile, t.StuIDCard, t.StuIDCardAddress,t. CreateType, t.StuStage, t.StuChannel,t. PlatformName, t.StuSourceId,t. QQ, t.WeChatNo, t.StuType,t. StuNeeds, t.StuRealMobile, t.ConsultDate, t.PlanPrice, t.BaseCondition,t. DemandPoint, t.ResistPoint,t. ConsultingResults, t.FirstEnrollDate, t.AdvisorStatus, t.AdvisorWinRate,t. AdvisorExpectDate, t.FileVoucher, t.IsSureConsultTime,g.GroupName,s.SName,IFNULL(a.Account,'') AS StudentAccount ,c.CustomerName,IFNULL(B.Name,'') AS AdvisorStatusName,cou.CourseName,o.PreferPrice as OrderIncome,o.Refund,o.CreateTime
SELECT t.StuId, t.StuName, t.StuTel, t.StuIcon, t.StuSex, t.StuBirth, t.Group_Id, t.School_Id, t.Status, t.CreateBy, t.IsDisable, t.StuStatus, t.Interest, t.JapanBaseInfo,t. CustomerId,t. StuProfession, t.StuEducation, t.StuPurpose, t.StuSource, t.StuAddress, t.StuContract, t.StuContractMobile, t.StuIDCard, t.StuIDCardAddress,t. CreateType, t.StuStage, t.StuChannel,t. PlatformName, t.StuSourceId,t. QQ, t.WeChatNo, t.StuType,t. StuNeeds, t.StuRealMobile, t.ConsultDate, t.PlanPrice, t.BaseCondition,t. DemandPoint, t.ResistPoint,t. ConsultingResults, t.FirstEnrollDate, t.AdvisorStatus, t.AdvisorWinRate,t. AdvisorExpectDate, t.FileVoucher, t.IsSureConsultTime,g.GroupName,s.SName,IFNULL(a.Account,'') AS StudentAccount ,c.CustomerName,IFNULL(B.Name,'') AS AdvisorStatusName,cou.CourseName,o.PreferPrice as OrderIncome,o.Refund,o.CreateTime,o.JoinType
FROM rb_order as o LEFT JOIN rb_order_guest as og on og.OrderId=o.OrderId
left JOIN rb_student_orderguest as sog on og.Id=sog.GuestId
left JOIN rb_student AS t on t.StuId=sog.Student_Id
......@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ LEFT JOIN rb_group AS g ON t.Group_Id=g.GId
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
SELECT t.StuId, t.StuName, t.StuTel, t.StuIcon, t.StuSex, t.StuBirth, t.Group_Id, t.School_Id, t.Status, t.CreateBy, t.IsDisable, t.StuStatus, t.Interest, t.JapanBaseInfo,t. CustomerId,t. StuProfession, t.StuEducation, t.StuPurpose, t.StuSource, t.StuAddress, t.StuContract, t.StuContractMobile, t.StuIDCard, t.StuIDCardAddress,t. CreateType, t.StuStage, t.StuChannel,t. PlatformName, t.StuSourceId,t. QQ, t.WeChatNo, t.StuType,t. StuNeeds, t.StuRealMobile, t.ConsultDate, t.PlanPrice, t.BaseCondition,t. DemandPoint, t.ResistPoint,t. ConsultingResults, t.FirstEnrollDate, t.AdvisorStatus, t.AdvisorWinRate,t. AdvisorExpectDate, t.FileVoucher, t.IsSureConsultTime,g.GroupName,s.SName,IFNULL(a.Account,'') AS StudentAccount ,c.CustomerName,IFNULL(B.Name,'') AS AdvisorStatusName,cou.CourseName,o.PreferPrice as OrderIncome,o.Refund,o.CreateTime
SELECT t.StuId, t.StuName, t.StuTel, t.StuIcon, t.StuSex, t.StuBirth, t.Group_Id, t.School_Id, t.Status, t.CreateBy, t.IsDisable, t.StuStatus, t.Interest, t.JapanBaseInfo,t. CustomerId,t. StuProfession, t.StuEducation, t.StuPurpose, t.StuSource, t.StuAddress, t.StuContract, t.StuContractMobile, t.StuIDCard, t.StuIDCardAddress,t. CreateType, t.StuStage, t.StuChannel,t. PlatformName, t.StuSourceId,t. QQ, t.WeChatNo, t.StuType,t. StuNeeds, t.StuRealMobile, t.ConsultDate, t.PlanPrice, t.BaseCondition,t. DemandPoint, t.ResistPoint,t. ConsultingResults, t.FirstEnrollDate, t.AdvisorStatus, t.AdvisorWinRate,t. AdvisorExpectDate, t.FileVoucher, t.IsSureConsultTime,g.GroupName,s.SName,IFNULL(a.Account,'') AS StudentAccount ,c.CustomerName,IFNULL(B.Name,'') AS AdvisorStatusName,cou.CourseName,o.PreferPrice as OrderIncome,o.Refund,o.CreateTime,o.JoinType
FROM rb_order as o LEFT JOIN rb_order_guest as og on og.OrderId=o.OrderId
left JOIN rb_student_orderguest as sog on og.Id=sog.GuestId
left JOIN rb_student AS t on t.StuId=sog.Student_Id
......@@ -2187,11 +2187,16 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
public ApiResult GetStudentMonthPageList()
var pageModel = Common.Plugin.JsonHelper.DeserializeObject<ResultPageModel>(RequestParm.Msg.ToString());
string dataStr = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("StartTime");
DateTime dataTime = System.DateTime.Now;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataStr))
dataTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dataStr + "-01");
var query = new RB_Student_ViewModel()
StartTime = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("StartTime"),
EndTime = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("EndTime"),
StartTime = StringHelper.FormatDate(StringHelper.FirstDayOfMonth(dataTime)),
EndTime = StringHelper.FormatDate(StringHelper.LastDayOfMonth(dataTime)),
query.Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id;
var data = studentModule.GetStudentMonthPageListModule(pageModel.PageIndex, pageModel.PageSize, out long rowsCount, query);
......@@ -2233,9 +2238,11 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
//StuSexStr = item.StuSex == 0 ? "男" : "女",
//AssistList = item.AssistList.Select(qitem => new
// qitem.Id,
......@@ -2254,7 +2261,7 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
......@@ -2277,10 +2284,16 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
public ApiResult GetStudentMonthList()
string dataStr = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("StartTime");
DateTime dataTime = System.DateTime.Now;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataStr))
dataTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dataStr + "-01");
var query = new RB_Student_ViewModel()
StartTime = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("StartTime"),
EndTime = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("EndTime"),
StartTime = StringHelper.FormatDate(StringHelper.FirstDayOfMonth(dataTime)),
EndTime = StringHelper.FormatDate(StringHelper.LastDayOfMonth(dataTime)),
query.Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id;
var data = studentModule.GetStudentMonthListModule(query);
......@@ -2321,30 +2334,157 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
var statisticsInfo = new object();
int orderNum = data.Count();
decimal totalPrice = data.Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
decimal totalPriceShang = data.Where(x => x.CreateTime.Day <= 10).Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
decimal totalPriceZhong = data.Where(x => x.CreateTime.Day > 10 && x.CreateTime.Day <= 20).Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
decimal totalPriceXia = data.Where(x => x.CreateTime.Day > 20).Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
var sourceList = new List<object>();
foreach (var item in data.GroupBy(x => new { x.CreateType, x.StuSource }))
var nowData = data.Where(x => x.StuSource == item.Key.StuSource && x.CreateType == item.Key.CreateType).ToList();
var nowData = data.Where(x => x.JoinType == 3).ToList();
decimal nowTotalPrice = nowData.Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
OrderNum = nowData.Count(),
TotalPrice = nowTotalPrice,
PriceRate = Math.Round((nowTotalPrice / totalPrice), 2),
CreateType = 0,
CreateTypeStr = "内产",
StuSourceStr = "内产",
StuSource = 0
foreach (var item in data.Where(x => x.JoinType != 3).GroupBy(x => new { x.CreateType, x.StuSource }))
nowData = data.Where(x => x.StuSource == item.Key.StuSource && x.CreateType == item.Key.CreateType).ToList();
nowTotalPrice = nowData.Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
OrderNum = nowData.Count(),
TotalPrice = nowTotalPrice,
PriceRate = Math.Round((nowTotalPrice / totalPrice), 2),
CreateTypeStr= item.Key.CreateType.ToName(),
CreateTypeStr = item.Key.CreateType.ToName(),
StuSourceStr = item.Key.StuSource.ToName(),
return ApiResult.Success(data: new { list , totalPrice , totalPriceShang , totalPriceZhong , totalPriceXia , sourceList });
return ApiResult.Success(data: new { list, orderNum, totalPrice, totalPriceShang, totalPriceZhong, totalPriceXia, sourceList });
/// <summary>
/// 下载学员跟进信息
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult DownLoadStudentMonth()
List<ExcelDataSource> slist = new List<ExcelDataSource>();
var userInfo = base.UserInfo;
string dataStr = base.ParmJObj.GetStringValue("StartTime");
DateTime dataTime = System.DateTime.Now;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataStr))
dataTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dataStr + "-01");
var query = new RB_Student_ViewModel()
StartTime = StringHelper.FormatDate(StringHelper.FirstDayOfMonth(dataTime)),
EndTime = StringHelper.FormatDate(StringHelper.LastDayOfMonth(dataTime)),
query.Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id;
var data = studentModule.GetStudentMonthListModule(query);
List<object> list = new List<object>();
var QueryTpye = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("QueryTpye");
string excelName = "已报名学员.xls";
ExcelDataSource header = new ExcelDataSource
ExcelRows = new List<ExcelColumn>()
new ExcelColumn("学生"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("时间"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("类型"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学历"){ CellWidth=10},
new ExcelColumn("目的"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("是否签合同"){ CellWidth=20},
new ExcelColumn("来源"){ CellWidth=20},
new ExcelColumn("来源人"){ CellWidth=20},
new ExcelColumn("课程"){ CellWidth=100},
new ExcelColumn("订单金额"){ CellWidth=50},
if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
int orderNum = data.Count();
decimal totalPrice = data.Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
decimal totalPriceShang = data.Where(x => x.CreateTime.Day <= 10).Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
decimal totalPriceZhong = data.Where(x => x.CreateTime.Day > 10 && x.CreateTime.Day <= 20).Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
decimal totalPriceXia = data.Where(x => x.CreateTime.Day > 20).Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
foreach (var item in data)
var columns = new List<ExcelColumn>
new ExcelColumn(item.StuName),
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.CreateTimeStr));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.JoinType == 3 ? "内产" : "新生"));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.StuEducation.ToName()));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.StuProfession));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.AdvisorStatusName));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.CreateType.ToName()));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn((item.CreateType == StuCreateTypeEnum.CustomerInput && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.EnterpriseName)) ? item.EnterpriseName : (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.StuSourceIdName) ? item.StuSourceIdName : item.StuChannelName)));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(item.CourseName ));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn( item.OrderIncome + (item.Refund > 0 ? ",已退款" + item.Refund : "")));
var dataRow = new ExcelDataSource()
ExcelRows = columns
string totalInfo = "订单总价" + totalPrice + ",总单数" + orderNum + "单," + "上旬总价:" + totalPriceShang + ",中旬总价:" + totalPriceZhong + ",下旬总价" + totalPriceXia;
var nowData = data.Where(x => x.JoinType == 3).ToList();
decimal nowTotalPrice = nowData.Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
totalInfo += ",内产" + nowData.Count() + "单" + "占比:" + (Math.Round((nowTotalPrice / totalPrice), 2) * 100) + "%";
foreach (var item in data.Where(x => x.JoinType != 3).GroupBy(x => new { x.CreateType, x.StuSource }))
nowData = data.Where(x => x.StuSource == item.Key.StuSource && x.CreateType == item.Key.CreateType).ToList();
nowTotalPrice = nowData.Sum(x => x.OrderIncome - x.Refund);
totalInfo += "," + item.Key.CreateType.ToName() + nowData.Count() + "单" + "占比:" + (Math.Round((nowTotalPrice / totalPrice), 2) * 100) + "%";
var columnsT = new List<ExcelColumn>
new ExcelColumn (totalInfo){ Colspan=10}
var dataRowT = new ExcelDataSource()
ExcelRows = columnsT
var byteData = ExcelTempLateHelper.ToExcelExtend(slist);
return File(byteData, "application/octet-stream", excelName);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.Write(ex, "OutToExcelOrderStudentClassHoursList");
var byteData1 = ExcelTempLateHelper.ToExcelExtend(slist);
return File(byteData1, "application/octet-stream", excelName);
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