Commit 6ba786d9 authored by liudong1993's avatar liudong1993

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 0175aaa5 571f9c8e
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace Edu.Module.User
public List<object> GetTeacherStaticListModule(RB_Teacher_Static_Extend query)
var teacherList = new List<RB_Account_ViewModel>();
var queryTeacher = new RB_Account_ViewModel() { AccountType = Common.Enum.User.AccountTypeEnum.Teacher };
var queryTeacher = new RB_Account_ViewModel() { AccountType = Common.Enum.User.AccountTypeEnum.Teacher, IsSelectLevelNor = 1 };
if (query.DeptId > 0)
queryTeacher.Dept_Id = query.DeptId;
......@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ namespace Edu.Module.User
query.QTeacherIds = "";
int teacherCount = 1;
if (teacherList != null && teacherList.Count > 0)
if (teacherList != null && teacherList.Where(qitem => qitem.AccountId != 5 && qitem.AccountId != 10 && qitem.AccountId != 15 && qitem.AccountId != 20).ToList().Count > 0)
teacherCount = teacherList.Count;
teacherCount = teacherList.Where(qitem => qitem.AccountId != 5 && qitem.AccountId != 10 && qitem.AccountId != 15 && qitem.AccountId != 20).Count();
List<object> dataList = new List<object>();
var list = teacher_StaticRepository.GetTeacherStaticListRepository(query);
......@@ -474,338 +474,25 @@ namespace Edu.Module.User
/// <returns></returns>
public List<object> GetTeacherStaticMonthExtListModule(RB_Teacher_Static_Extend query)
var teacherList = new List<RB_Account_ViewModel>();
var queryTeacher = new RB_Account_ViewModel() { AccountType = Common.Enum.User.AccountTypeEnum.Teacher };
if (query.DeptId > 0)
queryTeacher.Dept_Id = query.DeptId;
teacherList = accountRepository.GetAccountListExtRepository(queryTeacher);
query.QTeacherIds = string.Join(",", teacherList.Select(qitem => qitem.AccountId));
teacherList = accountRepository.GetAccountListExtRepository(queryTeacher);
query.QTeacherIds = "";
int teacherCount = 1;
if (teacherList != null && teacherList.Count > 0)
teacherCount = teacherList.Count;
var queryTeacher = new RB_Account_ViewModel() { AccountType = Common.Enum.User.AccountTypeEnum.Teacher, IsSelectLevelNor = 1 };
var teacherList = accountRepository.GetAccountListExtRepository(queryTeacher)
.Where(qitem => qitem.AccountId != 5 && qitem.AccountId != 10 && qitem.AccountId != 15 && qitem.AccountId != 20).ToList();
List<object> dataList = new List<object>();
var list = teacher_StaticRepository.GetTeacherStaticMonthExtListRepository(query);
if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
int index = 0;
var firstModel = new RB_Teacher_Static_Extend();
foreach (var item in list)
string DateStr = Common.ConvertHelper.FormatMonthDay(item.Date);
object subObj = new object();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DateStr))
if (index == 0)
DateStr = "上期总数";
DateStr = "总数";
if (index > 0)
decimal StudentCount = 0;
if (firstModel.StudentCount > 0)
StudentCount = (item.StudentCount - firstModel.StudentCount) / firstModel.StudentCount * 100;
decimal AttendClassHour = 0;
if (firstModel.AttendClassHour > 0)
AttendClassHour = (item.AttendClassHour - firstModel.AttendClassHour) / firstModel.AttendClassHour * 100;
decimal AttendClassHourScore = 0;
if (firstModel.AttendClassHourScore > 0)
AttendClassHourScore = (item.AttendClassHourScore - firstModel.AttendClassHourScore) / firstModel.AttendClassHourScore * 100;
decimal OnLineInteractive = 0;
if (firstModel.OnLineInteractive > 0)
OnLineInteractive = (item.OnLineInteractive - firstModel.OnLineInteractive) / firstModel.OnLineInteractive * 100;
decimal OnLineInteractiveScore = 0;
if (firstModel.OnLineInteractiveScore > 0)
OnLineInteractiveScore = (item.OnLineInteractiveScore - firstModel.OnLineInteractiveScore) / firstModel.OnLineInteractiveScore * 100;
decimal Renew = 0;
if (firstModel.Renew > 0)
Renew = (item.Renew - firstModel.Renew) / firstModel.Renew * 100;
decimal RenewScore = 0;
if (firstModel.RenewScore > 0)
RenewScore = (item.RenewScore - firstModel.RenewScore) / firstModel.RenewScore * 100;
decimal Upgrade = 0;
if (firstModel.Upgrade > 0)
Upgrade = (item.Upgrade - firstModel.Upgrade) / firstModel.Upgrade * 100;
decimal UpgradeScore = 0;
if (firstModel.UpgradeScore > 0)
UpgradeScore = (item.UpgradeScore - firstModel.UpgradeScore) / firstModel.UpgradeScore * 100;
decimal Trans = 0;
if (firstModel.Trans > 0)
Trans = (item.Trans - firstModel.Trans) / firstModel.Trans * 100;
decimal TransScore = 0;
if (firstModel.TransScore > 0)
TransScore = (item.TransScore - firstModel.TransScore) / firstModel.TransScore * 100;
decimal TrialSpeak = 0;
if (firstModel.TrialSpeak > 0)
TrialSpeak = (item.TrialSpeak - firstModel.TrialSpeak) / firstModel.TrialSpeak * 100;
decimal TrialSpeakScore = 0;
if (firstModel.TrialSpeakScore > 0)
TrialSpeakScore = (item.TrialSpeakScore - firstModel.TrialSpeakScore) / firstModel.TrialSpeakScore * 100;
decimal Truancy = 0;
if (firstModel.Truancy > 0)
Truancy = (item.Truancy - firstModel.Truancy) / firstModel.Truancy * 100;
decimal TruancyScore = 0;
if (firstModel.TruancyScore > 0)
TruancyScore = (item.TruancyScore - firstModel.TruancyScore) / firstModel.TruancyScore * 100;
decimal Withdraws = 0;
if (firstModel.Withdraws > 0)
Withdraws = (item.Withdraws - firstModel.Withdraws) / firstModel.Withdraws * 100;
decimal WithdrawsScore = 0;
if (firstModel.WithdrawsScore > 0)
WithdrawsScore = (item.WithdrawsScore - firstModel.WithdrawsScore) / firstModel.WithdrawsScore * 100;
decimal Complaint = 0;
if (firstModel.Complaint > 0)
Complaint = (item.Complaint - firstModel.Complaint) / firstModel.Complaint * 100;
decimal ComplaintScore = 0;
if (firstModel.ComplaintScore > 0)
ComplaintScore = (item.ComplaintScore - firstModel.ComplaintScore) / firstModel.ComplaintScore * 100;
decimal TeacherBeLate = 0;
if (firstModel.TeacherBeLate > 0)
TeacherBeLate = (item.TeacherBeLate - firstModel.TeacherBeLate) / firstModel.TeacherBeLate * 100;
decimal TeacherBeLateScore = 0;
if (firstModel.TeacherBeLateScore > 0)
TeacherBeLateScore = (item.TeacherBeLateScore - firstModel.TeacherBeLateScore) / firstModel.TeacherBeLateScore * 100;
decimal N5ClassHours = 0;
if (firstModel.N5ClassHours > 0)
N5ClassHours = (item.N5ClassHours - firstModel.N5ClassHours) / firstModel.N5ClassHours * 100;
decimal N5ClassHoursScore = 0;
if (firstModel.N5ClassHoursScore > 0)
N5ClassHoursScore = (item.N5ClassHoursScore - firstModel.N5ClassHoursScore) / firstModel.N5ClassHoursScore * 100;
decimal N4ClassHours = 0;
if (firstModel.N4ClassHours > 0)
N4ClassHours = (item.N4ClassHours - firstModel.N4ClassHours) / firstModel.N4ClassHours * 100;
decimal N4ClassHoursScore = 0;
if (firstModel.N4ClassHoursScore > 0)
N4ClassHoursScore = (item.N4ClassHoursScore - firstModel.N4ClassHoursScore) / firstModel.N4ClassHoursScore * 100;
decimal N3ClassHours = 0;
if (firstModel.N3ClassHours > 0)
N3ClassHours = (item.N3ClassHours - firstModel.N3ClassHours) / firstModel.N3ClassHours * 100;
decimal N3ClassHoursScore = 0;
if (firstModel.N3ClassHoursScore > 0)
N3ClassHoursScore = (item.N3ClassHoursScore - firstModel.N3ClassHoursScore) / firstModel.N3ClassHoursScore * 100;
decimal N2ClassHours = 0;
if (firstModel.N2ClassHours > 0)
N2ClassHours = (item.N2ClassHours - firstModel.N2ClassHours) / firstModel.N2ClassHours * 100;
decimal N2ClassHoursScore = 0;
if (firstModel.N2ClassHoursScore > 0)
N2ClassHoursScore = (item.N2ClassHoursScore - firstModel.N2ClassHoursScore) / firstModel.N2ClassHoursScore * 100;
decimal N1ClassHours = 0;
if (firstModel.N1ClassHours > 0)
N1ClassHours = (item.N1ClassHours - firstModel.N1ClassHours) / firstModel.N1ClassHours * 100;
decimal N1ClassHoursScore = 0;
if (firstModel.N1ClassHoursScore > 0)
N1ClassHoursScore = (item.N1ClassHoursScore - firstModel.N1ClassHoursScore) / firstModel.N1ClassHoursScore * 100;
decimal MiniAppPractise = 0;
if (firstModel.MiniAppPractise > 0)
MiniAppPractise = (item.MiniAppPractise - firstModel.MiniAppPractise) / firstModel.MiniAppPractise * 100;
decimal MiniAppPractiseScore = 0;
if (firstModel.MiniAppPractiseScore > 0)
MiniAppPractiseScore = (item.MiniAppPractiseScore - firstModel.MiniAppPractiseScore) / firstModel.MiniAppPractiseScore * 100;
decimal MiniAppTime = 0;
if (firstModel.MiniAppTime > 0)
MiniAppTime = (item.MiniAppTime - firstModel.MiniAppTime) / firstModel.MiniAppTime * 100;
decimal MiniAppTimeScore = 0;
if (firstModel.MiniAppTimeScore > 0)
MiniAppTimeScore = (item.MiniAppTimeScore - firstModel.MiniAppTimeScore) / firstModel.MiniAppTimeScore * 100;
decimal ActivityNum = 0;
if (firstModel.ActivityNum > 0)
ActivityNum = (item.ActivityNum - firstModel.ActivityNum) / firstModel.ActivityNum * 100;
decimal TotalScore = 0;
if (firstModel.TotalScore > 0)
TotalScore = (item.TotalScore - firstModel.TotalScore) / firstModel.TotalScore * 100;
decimal AvgScore = 0;
if (firstModel.AvgScore > 0)
AvgScore = (item.AvgScore - firstModel.AvgScore) / firstModel.AvgScore * 100;
decimal ScoreGap = 0;
if (firstModel.ScoreGap > 0)
foreach (var item in list)
ScoreGap = (item.ScoreGap - firstModel.ScoreGap) / firstModel.ScoreGap * 100;
subObj = new
int teacherCount = 1;
var teacherModel = teacherList.FirstOrDefault(qitem => qitem.AccountId == item.TeacherId);
string DateStr = "";
if (teacherModel != null)
Id = 0,
DateStr = "环比成长",
StudentCount = Math.Round(StudentCount, 2) + "%",
AttendClassHour = Math.Round(AttendClassHour, 2) + "%",
AttendClassHourScore = Math.Round(AttendClassHourScore, 2) + "%",
OnLineInteractive = Math.Round(OnLineInteractive, 2) + "%",
OnLineInteractiveScore = Math.Round(OnLineInteractiveScore, 2) + "%",
Renew = Math.Round(Renew, 2) + "%",
RenewScore = Math.Round(RenewScore, 2) + "%",
Upgrade = Math.Round(Upgrade, 2) + "%",
UpgradeScore = Math.Round(UpgradeScore, 2) + "%",
Trans = Math.Round(Trans, 2) + "%",
TransScore = Math.Round(TransScore, 2) + "%",
TrialSpeak = Math.Round(TrialSpeak, 2) + "%",
TrialSpeakScore = Math.Round(TrialSpeakScore, 2) + "%",
Truancy = Math.Round(Truancy, 2) + "%",
TruancyScore = Math.Round(TruancyScore, 2) + "%",
Withdraws = Math.Round(Withdraws, 2) + "%",
WithdrawsScore = Math.Round(WithdrawsScore, 2) + "%",
Complaint = Math.Round(Complaint, 2) + "%",
ComplaintScore = Math.Round(ComplaintScore, 2) + "%",
TeacherBeLate = Math.Round(TeacherBeLate, 2) + "%",
TeacherBeLateScore = Math.Round(TeacherBeLateScore, 2) + "%",
N5ClassHours = Math.Round(N5ClassHours, 2) + "%",
N5ClassHoursScore = Math.Round(N5ClassHoursScore, 2) + "%",
N4ClassHours = Math.Round(N4ClassHours, 2) + "%",
N4ClassHoursScore = Math.Round(N4ClassHoursScore, 2) + "%",
N3ClassHours = Math.Round(N3ClassHours, 2) + "%",
N3ClassHoursScore = Math.Round(N3ClassHoursScore, 2) + "%",
N2ClassHours = Math.Round(N2ClassHours, 2) + "%",
N2ClassHoursScore = Math.Round(N2ClassHoursScore, 2) + "%",
N1ClassHours = Math.Round(N1ClassHours, 2) + "%",
N1ClassHoursScore = Math.Round(N1ClassHoursScore, 2) + "%",
MiniAppPractise = Math.Round(MiniAppPractise, 2) + "%",
MiniAppPractiseScore = Math.Round(MiniAppPractiseScore, 2) + "%",
MiniAppTime = Math.Round(MiniAppTime, 2) + "%",
MiniAppTimeScore = Math.Round(MiniAppTimeScore, 2) + "%",
TotalScore = Math.Round(TotalScore, 2) + "%",
AvgScore = Math.Round(AvgScore, 2) + "%",
ScoreGap = Math.Round(ScoreGap, 2) + "%",
ActivityNum = Math.Round(ActivityNum, 2) + "%",
firstModel = item;
firstModel.TotalScore = (firstModel.StudentCount + firstModel.AttendClassHourScore + firstModel.OnLineInteractiveScore + firstModel.RenewScore
+ firstModel.UpgradeScore + firstModel.TransScore + firstModel.TrialSpeakScore - firstModel.TruancyScore - firstModel.WithdrawsScore - firstModel.ComplaintScore
- firstModel.TeacherBeLateScore + firstModel.N2ClassHoursScore + firstModel.N1ClassHoursScore + firstModel.MiniAppPractiseScore + firstModel.MiniAppTimeScore
+ firstModel.ActivityNum
firstModel.AvgScore = Math.Round(firstModel.TotalScore / teacherCount, 2);
firstModel.ScoreGap = firstModel.TotalScore - firstModel.AvgScore;
DateStr= teacherModel.AccountName;
teacherCount = teacherList.Where(qitem => qitem.Dept_Id == teacherModel.Dept_Id).Count();
item.TotalScore = (item.StudentCount + item.AttendClassHourScore + item.OnLineInteractiveScore + item.RenewScore
+ item.UpgradeScore + item.TransScore + item.TrialSpeakScore - item.TruancyScore - item.WithdrawsScore - item.ComplaintScore
- item.TeacherBeLateScore + item.N2ClassHoursScore + item.N1ClassHoursScore + item.MiniAppPractiseScore + item.MiniAppTimeScore
......@@ -857,10 +544,6 @@ namespace Edu.Module.User
if (DateStr.Contains("总数") && index > 1)
var tempList = list?.Where(qitem => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Common.ConvertHelper.FormatDate(qitem.Date)))?.ToList();
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ SELECT A.TeacherId,CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(A.Date, '%Y-%m'),'-01') AS Date,A.YearStr,
,SUM(N1ClassHours) AS N1ClassHours,SUM(N1ClassHoursScore) AS N1ClassHoursScore,SUM(MiniAppPractise) AS MiniAppPractise,SUM(MiniAppPractiseScore) AS MiniAppPractiseScore,SUM(MiniAppTime) AS MiniAppTime
,SUM(MiniAppTimeScore) AS MiniAppTimeScore,SUM(TotalScore) AS TotalScore,SUM(AvgScore) AS AvgScore,SUM(ScoreGap) AS ScoreGap,SUM(ActivityNum) AS ActivityNum
FROM RB_Teacher_Static AS A
WHERE 1=1 AND A.Date<>'0001-01-01 00:00:00'
WHERE 1=1 AND A.Date<>'0001-01-01 00:00:00' AND A.TeacherId>0
if (query != null)
......@@ -97,15 +97,12 @@ WHERE 1=1 AND A.Date<>'0001-01-01 00:00:00'
builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Teacher_Static_Extend.Group_Id), query.Group_Id);
if (query.YearStr > 0)
if (isYear)
builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}<={1} ", nameof(RB_Teacher_Static_Extend.YearStr), query.YearStr);
builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Teacher_Static_Extend.YearStr), query.YearStr);
if (query.MonthStr > 0)
builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Teacher_Static_Extend.MonthStr), query.MonthStr);
builder.AppendFormat(" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(A.Date, '%Y-%m'),A.TeacherId ");
......@@ -47,6 +47,104 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
return ApiResult.Success(data: list);
/// <summary>
/// 下载教师行为数据每日统计
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult DownLoadTeacherDay()
var query = new RB_Teacher_Static_Extend()
YearStr = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("YearStr"),
MonthStr = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("MonthStr"),
TeacherId = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("TeacherId"),
DeptId = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("DeptId"),
query.Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id;
var list = teacherStaticModule.GetTeacherStaticListModule(query);
string excelName = "教师行为数据每日统计.xls";
List<ExcelDataSource> slist = new List<ExcelDataSource>();
ExcelDataSource header = new ExcelDataSource
ExcelRows = new List<ExcelColumn>()
new ExcelColumn("日期"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生人数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("上课时数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("线上与学生互动数"){ CellWidth=10},
new ExcelColumn("续约(含留学)"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生升级"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("转介绍"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("试讲(次)"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生旷课(次)"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生退课(次)"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生投诉(次)"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("老师迟到早退(次)"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("N5课程时数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("N4课程时数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("N3课程时数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("N2课程时数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("N1课程时数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生小程序刷题次数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("学生小程序刷题时间"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("活动次数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("总分数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("所有老师平均分数"){ CellWidth=15},
new ExcelColumn("分数差距"){ CellWidth=15},
foreach (var item in list)
JObject dObj = JObject.Parse(JsonHelper.Serialize(item));
var columns = new List<ExcelColumn>
new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("DateStr"))
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("StudentCount")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("AttendClassHourScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("OnLineInteractiveScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("RenewScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("UpgradeScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("TransScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("TrialSpeakScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("TruancyScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("WithdrawsScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("ComplaintScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("TeacherBeLateScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("N5ClassHoursScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("N4ClassHoursScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("N3ClassHoursScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("N2ClassHoursScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("N1ClassHoursScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("MiniAppPractiseScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("MiniAppTimeScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("ActivityNum")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("TotalScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("AvgScore")));
columns.Add(new ExcelColumn(dObj.GetStringValue("ScoreGap")));
var dataRow = new ExcelDataSource()
ExcelRows = columns
var byteData = ExcelTempLateHelper.ToExcelExtend(slist);
return File(byteData, "application/octet-stream", excelName);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.Write(ex, "DownLoadTeacherDay");
var byteData1 = ExcelTempLateHelper.ToExcelExtend(slist);
return File(byteData1, "application/octet-stream", excelName);
/// <summary>
/// 教师行为数据月度统计
/// </summary>
......@@ -64,23 +162,22 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
return ApiResult.Success(data: list);
/// <summary>
/// 下载教师行为数据每日统计
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult DownLoadTeacherDay()
public FileContentResult DownLoadTeacherMonthStatic()
var query = new RB_Teacher_Static_Extend()
YearStr = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("YearStr"),
MonthStr = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("MonthStr"),
TeacherId = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("TeacherId"),
DeptId = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("DeptId"),
query.Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id;
var list = teacherStaticModule.GetTeacherStaticListModule(query);
var list = teacherStaticModule.GetTeacherStaticMonthExtListModule(query);
string excelName = "教师行为数据每日统计.xls";
List<ExcelDataSource> slist = new List<ExcelDataSource>();
......@@ -155,12 +252,13 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.Write(ex, "DownLoadTeacherDay");
LogHelper.Write(ex, "DownLoadTeacherMonthStatic");
var byteData1 = ExcelTempLateHelper.ToExcelExtend(slist);
return File(byteData1, "application/octet-stream", excelName);
/// <summary>
/// 教师行为数据每月统计
/// </summary>
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