Commit f9bbce67 authored by 吴春's avatar 吴春


parent 24a0707f
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ LEFT JOIN rb_teacher as t on a.TeacherId=t.TId
LEFT JOIN rb_class as c on c.ClassId=a.ClassId
LEFT JOIN rb_course as cou on cou.CourseId=c.CouseId
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ClassPlanId,MAX(LessonPlanId) as LessonPlanId from rb_class_lessonplan where `Status`=0 GROUP BY ClassPlanId) as lp on lp.ClassPlanId=a.ClassPlanId
where a.`Status`=0 and c.ClassStatus =2 and a.ClassRoomId={RoomId} and a.Group_Id={Group_Id} and DATE_FORMAT(A.ClassDate,'%Y-%m-%d')>=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(A.ClassDate,'%Y-%m-%d') ,' ',B.EndTime,':00') asc LIMIT 10");
where a.`Status`=0 and b.ClassStatus<>2 and c.ClassStatus =2 and a.ClassRoomId={RoomId} and a.Group_Id={Group_Id} and DATE_FORMAT(A.ClassDate,'%Y-%m-%d')>=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(A.ClassDate,'%Y-%m-%d') ,' ',B.EndTime,':00') asc LIMIT 10");
return Get<RB_Class_Time_Extend>(builder.ToString()).ToList();
......@@ -187,10 +187,11 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.Course
foreach (var item in list.GroupBy(x => x.School_Id))
List<object> roomList = new List<object>();
decimal TotalMinutes = 0;
var classRoomList = list.Where(x => x.School_Id == item.Key).ToList();
foreach (var roomItem in classRoomList)
decimal TotalMinutes = 0;
int UseState = 0;
var timeList = classTimeList.Where(x => x.ClassRoomId == roomItem.RoomId).ToList();
if (roomItem.TotalHour > 0)
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