Commit bd48c688 authored by 沈良进's avatar 沈良进


parent 8a0c9f68
class="light-shadow q-pa-md bg-white rounded-borders q-mb-md"
:class="$ ? 'row' : ''"
v-for="(x, index) in orders"
<div class="col-2">
<div class="mb-title">
<i class="iconfont icon-biaoti1"></i><span>包机信息</span>
订单编号:<span>{{ x.orderId }}</span>
团号:<span>{{ x.tcnum }}</span>
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.tcid }}</span>
</div> -->
<!-- <div>
状态id:<span>{{ x.status }}</span>
订单状态:<span>{{ x.orderState }}</span>
</div> -->
订单状态:<span>{{ x.statsstr }}</span>
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.isEnd }}</span>
</div> -->
是否入定金单 1是 2否:<span>{{ x.isHaveFinance }}</span>
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.zaiTuMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.discountMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.redEnvelopeMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.couponAllotIds }}</span>
<span>{{ x.couponAllotList }}</span>
<span>{{ x.dueInMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.compensationMoney }}</span>
</div> -->
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.airConfirm }}</span>
<span>{{ x.createByName }}</span>
</div> -->
下单时间:<span>{{ x.createDate }}</span>
订单来源:<span>{{ x.orderSource }}</span>
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.leaveStr }}</span>
<span>{{ x.lureEmpName }}</span>
</div> -->
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.orderTypeName }}</span>
<span>{{ x.receivableMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.guestList }}</span>
<span>{{ x.cancelGuestList }}</span>
<span>{{ x.photoNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.remarksName }}</span>
<span>{{ x.rematksTime }}</span>
<span>{{ x.remarksList }}</span>
<span>{{ x.ySeatNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.eSeatNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.fSeatNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.waitingESeatNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.waitingFSeatNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.waitingYSeatNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.waitENum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.waitFNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.waitYNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.confirmFileList }}</span>
<span>{{ x.oP_Remarks }}</span>
<span>{{ x.opSetLossPeople }}</span>
<span>{{ x.opSetLossMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.isChargeLossOrders }}</span>
<span>{{ x.tipMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.opTipMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.latestCommissionMoney }}</span>
<span>{{ x.tsId }}</span>
<span>{{ x.tsIdList }}</span>
<span>{{ x.platformAccount }}</span>
<span>{{ x.platformAccountTypeId }}</span>
<span>{{ x.teamType }}</span>
<span>{{ x.orderForm }}</span>
<span>{{ x.isCanClear }}</span>
<span>{{ x.orderGuestHouseStr }}</span>
<span>{{ x.refuseVisaNum }}</span>
</div> -->
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.orderSourceName }}</span>
<span>{{ x.operationState }}</span>
<span>{{ x.scoreNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.oneSex }}</span>
<span>{{ x.contractNum }}</span>
<span>{{ x.isFormB2B }}</span>
<span>{{ x.quotationUrl }}</span>
<span>{{ x.standardCurrencyName }}</span>
</div> -->
<q-card class="light-shadow q-pa-md bg-white rounded-borders q-mb-md" flat v-for="(x,index) in orders" :key="index">
<div class="row items-center desktop-only">
<div class="f12 text-grey-6">{{ $t('') }}{{ x.orderId }}</div>
<div class="col text-center f12 text-grey-6">
<span>{{ $t('') }}{{ x.contactName }}/{{
<div class="f12 text-grey-6">{{ $t('hotelorder.createTime') }}{{ x.createDate }}</div>
<div class="col-4">
<div class="mb-title"><i class="iconfont icon-hangban1"></i><span>包团信息</span></div>
出团公司id:<span>{{ x.outBranchId }}</span>
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.clientSource }}</span>
</div> -->
发团日期:<span>{{ x.startDate }}</span>
团返程日期:<span>{{ x.backDate }}</span>
备注:<span>{{ x.remarks }}</span>
<div class="reactive">
<div class="q-mt-md row">
<q-table separator="cell" :hide-bottom="!x.Remark||!x.isMore" :pagination="{ rowsPerPage: 100 }" dense :rows="x.rows"
bordered :columns="cols" class="sticky-rightrowspan-column-table light-border col no-shadow">
<div class="q-my-md">备注: {{x.remarks}}</div>
<div class="col-2">
<div class="mb-title">
<i class="iconfont icon-jiage"></i><span>旅客信息</span>
<div class="q-mt-md"
:class="{ row: $, 'column reverse': $ }">
<div class="pay row text-grey rounded-borders q-pa-md"
:class="{ 'bg-grey-2': $ }">
<svg-icon color=" svg-red" icon="Code/Warning-1-circle.svg" :size="16"
<div class="q-ml-sm">
客人名称:<span>{{ x.contactName }}</span>
客人联系电话:<span>{{ x.contactMobile }}</span>
旅客录入人数:<span>{{ x.entGuestNum }}</span>
<!-- 1录入完毕 2录入部门 3没有录入 -->
人数状态:<span>{{ ['','录入完毕','录入部分','没有录入',][x.guestNumStatus] }}</span>
老人:<span>{{ x.oldPeopleNum }}</span>
成年人:<span>{{ x.manNum }}</span>
婴儿:<span>{{ x.babyNum }}</span>
儿童:<span>{{ x.chirdNum }}</span>
机票:<span>{{ x.airticketNum }}</span>
顾客数量:<span>{{ x.guestNum }}</span>
<div class="col-3">
<div class="mb-title">
<i class="iconfont icon-jiage"></i><span>价格信息</span>
成交单价:<span>{{ x.unit_Price }}</span>
本团单价:<span>{{ x.tC_Price }}</span>
支付方式:<span>{{ ['','线上','-线下'][x.tradeWay] }}</span>
<!-- <div>
平台单号:<span>{{ x.platformOrder }}</span>
</div> -->
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.brandName }}</span>
</div> -->
应收总额:<span>{{ x.preferPrice }}</span>
<!-- <div>
<span>{{ x.configId }}</span>
<span>{{ x.refund }}</span>
<div class="col desktop-only"></div>
<div class="rounded-borders bg-grey-2 q-pa-md"
:class="{ 'q-mx-md': $, 'q-mt-md': $ }">
<div class="row items-center justify-between q-mb-sm q-pb-sm" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd">
<div class="f12 text-grey">{{ $t('hotelorder.orderMoney') }}</div>
<div class="dark q-ml-xl">
<!-- <span class="f12">{{ $t('unit.jpc') }}</span> -->
<span class="din text-subtitle1">{{ moneyFormat(x.preferPrice) }}</span>
<!-- <span class="f12">{{ $t('') }}</span> -->
<div class="row items-center justify-between q-mb-sm q-pb-sm" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd">
<div class="f12 text-grey">已收金额</div>
<div class="dark q-ml-xl">
<!-- <span class="f12">{{ $t('unit.jpc') }}</span> -->
<span class="din text-subtitle1">{{ moneyFormat(x.income) }}</span>
<!-- <span class="f12">{{ $t('') }}</span> -->
<div class="row items-center justify-between q-mb-sm q-pb-sm" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd"
v-if="x.CustomerPayType == 1 || x.CustomerPayType == 3">
<div class="f12 text-grey">{{ $t('hotelorder.payType.t1') }}</div>
<div class="dark">
<span class="f12">{{ moneyFormat(x.SelfPayMoney) }}</span>
<span class="f12">{{ $t('') }}</span>
<div class="row items-center justify-between" v-if="x.CustomerPayType == 2 || x.CustomerPayType == 3">
<div class="f12 text-grey">{{ $t('hotelorder.payType.t2') }}</div>
<div class="dark">
<span class="f12">{{ moneyFormat(x.BeforeMoney) }}</span>
<span class="f12">{{ $t('') }}</span>
<span>{{ x.platformTax }}</span>
</div> -->
已收金额:<span>{{ x.income }}</span>
<div class="rounded-borders q-pa-sm justify-between"
:class="{ column: $, 'row items-center': $, 'bg-green-1': x.OrderStatus != 1, 'bg-grey-2': x.OrderStatus == 1 }">
<q-list dense v-if="x.OrderStatus == 1"
:class="{ 'row items-center justify-between full-width': $ }">
<q-item class="text-negative" clickable v-close-popup @click="cancelConfirmHandler(x.OrderId)">
<q-item-label>{{ $t('hotelorder.opera.cancel') }}</q-item-label>
<q-item class="text-primary" clickable v-close-popup @click="modify(x.OrderId)">
<q-item-label>{{ $t('hotelorder.opera.edit') }}</q-item-label>
<q-item class="text-positive" clickable v-close-popup @click="goUrl(x.OrderId)">
<q-item-label>{{ $t('v101.Listofquotation.baojiadan') }}</q-item-label>
<!-- <q-item class="text-dark" clickable v-close-popup>
<q-item-label>{{ $t('hotelorder.opera.view') }}</q-item-label>
</q-item> -->
<!-- <div class="col-1">
<q-btn color="primary" unelevated @click="ViewPayment(x)">下单</q-btn>
<q-btn color="primary" unelevated @click="gotoUrl(x)">包机结算</q-btn>
</div> -->
class="light-shadow q-pa-md bg-white rounded-borders q-mb-md"
......@@ -378,6 +175,27 @@ export default defineComponent({
loadingCel: false,
loading: false,
columnsT: [
{ name: 'calories', align: 'center', label: 'Calories', field: 'calories', sortable: true },
{ name: 'fat', label: 'Fat (g)', field: 'fat', sortable: true },
{ name: 'carbs', label: 'Carbs (g)', field: 'carbs' },
{ name: 'protein', label: 'Protein (g)', field: 'protein' },
{ name: 'sodium', label: 'Sodium (mg)', field: 'sodium' },
{ name: 'calcium', label: 'Calcium (%)', field: 'calcium', sortable: true },
{ name: 'iron', label: 'Iron (%)', field: 'iron', sortable: true}
cols: [
{ name: 'startDate', field: 'startDate', label: "发团日期", align: 'left' },
{ name: 'oldPeopleNum', field: 'oldPeopleNum', label: '老人', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'manNum', field: 'manNum', label: '成年人', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'babyNum', field: 'babyNum', label: '婴儿', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'chirdNum', field: 'chirdNum', label: '儿童', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'guestNum', field: 'guestNum', label: '顾客数量', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'unit_Price', field: 'unit_Price', label: '成交单价', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'tC_Price', field: 'tC_Price', label: '本团单价', align: 'left' },
{ name: 'tradeWay', field: 'tradeWay', label: '支付方式', align: 'left' },
// { name: 'remarks', field: 'remarks', label: '备注', align: 'left' },
] as any,
const methods = {
......@@ -443,17 +261,12 @@ export default defineComponent({
.then((r) => {
data.loading = false;
if ( == ApiResult.SUCCESS) {
// any) => {
// x.typeInfo = data.status.find(y => y.StatusId == x.OrderStatus) ?? data.status[1]
// x.SendType = data.sends.find(y => y.Id == x.MailingState) ?? data.sends[0]
// x.Money = 0
// let Money = 0
// x.DetailList.forEach((y:any)=>{
// Money+=y.Money
// })
// x.Money= Number(Money+x.MailingMoney)
// })
data.orders =;
data.orders.forEach(item => {
item.rows = [toRaw(item)]
item.tradeWay = item.tradeWay === 1 ? '线上' : '线下'
console.log('data.orders', data.orders)
data.pages.pageCount =;
} else {
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