Commit 569a73cf authored by 华国豪's avatar 华国豪 🙄


parent a2d0f03d
......@@ -1218,6 +1218,8 @@ export const fnc = {
a_bqyue: '本期余额',
a_jfbishu: '借方笔数',
a_dfbishu: '贷方笔数',
g_gzduixiang: '挂账对象',
g_qxzgzzhu: '请选择挂账账户',
export const tips = {
tips: '提示',
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ input:-webkit-autofill{-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px white inset;}
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......@@ -2260,6 +2260,34 @@ export default {
meta: {
title: '我的财务单据'
}, { //财务 财务单据 挂账单据
path: '/FinancialAccounting',
name: 'FinancialAccounting',
component: resolve => require(['@/components/FinancialModule/FinancialAccounting'], resolve),
meta: {
title: '我的财务单据'
}, { //财务 发票管理
path: '/invoicesManager',
name: 'invoicesManager',
component: resolve => require(['@/components/FinancialModule/invoicesManager'], resolve),
meta: {
title: '发票管理'
}, { //财务 发票管理 新增
path: '/invoicesManagerAdd',
name: 'invoicesManagerAdd',
component: resolve => require(['@/components/FinancialModule/invoicesManagerAdd'], resolve),
meta: {
title: '新增发票'
}, { //财务 发票管理 详情
path: '/invoicesManagerDetail',
name: 'invoicesManagerDetail',
component: resolve => require(['@/components/FinancialModule/invoicesManagerDetail'], resolve),
meta: {
title: '发票详情'
}, { //财务 财务单据 收款查询管理
path: '/RecPayQuery',
name: 'RecPayQuery',
......@@ -2400,6 +2428,13 @@ export default {
meta: {
title: '新增收款单据'
}, { //财务 财务单据 新增财务挂账单据 页面
path: '/addFinancialGZDocuments',
name: 'addFinancialGZDocuments',
component: resolve => require(['@/components/FinancialModule/addFinancialGZDocuments'], resolve),
meta: {
title: '新增收款单据'
}, { //财务 流程列表
path: '/ProcessList',
name: 'ProcessList',
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