Commit 6c3d22e8 authored by 罗超's avatar 罗超


parent 3c4bfc2f
......@@ -10,18 +10,8 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
chart: null,
lineData: {
name: '新增激活数',
data: [105, 219, 142, 297, 176, 84, 233, 120, 265, 199, 207, 91, 251, 153, 281, 113, 224, 168, 246, 131, 273, 185, 99, 237, 147, 292, 109, 214, 171, 260],
xAxisData: [
'11/01', '11/02', '11/03', '11/04', '11/05',
'11/06', '11/07', '11/08', '11/09', '11/10',
'11/11', '11/12', '11/13', '11/14', '11/15',
'11/16', '11/17', '11/18', '11/19', '11/20',
'11/21', '11/22', '11/23', '11/24', '11/25',
'11/26', '11/27', '11/28', '11/29', '11/30'
lineData: {},
xAxisData: [],
unit: '人'
......@@ -31,6 +21,16 @@ export default {
default: null
watch: {
chartData: function (old, val) {
if (this.chartData) {
this.lineData = this.chartData.lineData;
this.unit = this.chartData.unit;
this.xAxisData = this.chartData.xAxisData;
mounted() {
if (this.chartData) {
this.lineData = this.chartData.lineData;
......@@ -4,18 +4,44 @@
<div class="row items-center" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
<div class="page-title col">平台数据</div>
<div class="row items-center">
<el-select v-model="parameters.branchId" style="margin-right: 20px;" @change="getCustomerStatic()">
<el-option v-for="(x,i) in branchs" :key="i" :label="x.BName" :value="x.Id"></el-option>
style="margin-right: 20px;"
v-for="(x, i) in branchs"
<el-date-picker v-model="parameters.dateRange" type="daterange" align="right" unlink-panels
@change="getCustomerStatic()" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期"
value-format="yyyy/MM/dd" :clearable="false" :picker-options="pickerOptions">
<div class="card rounded row items-center">
<div class="menu-item" :class="{'active':i==active}" v-for="(x,i) in menus" :key="i" @click="handleClick(i)">
{{ x.title }}</div>
:class="{ active: i == active }"
v-for="(x, i) in menus"
{{ x.title }}
<div class="sub-title q-my-md">今日实时数据</div>
<div class="card rounded big">
......@@ -32,20 +58,23 @@
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">
<template v-if="customerObj">
{{ customerObj.TotalCustomerCount }}
<div class="text-info"> &nbsp; </div>
<div class="text-info">&nbsp;</div>
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"></el-divider>
style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">
<template v-if="customerObj">
{{ customerObj.TodayCustomerCount }}
......@@ -53,11 +82,15 @@
<div class="text-info">
<template v-if="customerObj">
<template v-if="customerObj.CustomerPercent>0">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"> {{customerObj.CustomerPercent}}%</span>
<template v-if="customerObj.CustomerPercent > 0">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">
{{ customerObj.CustomerPercent }}%</span
<template v-else>
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">{{customerObj.CustomerPercent}}%</span>
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;"
>{{ customerObj.CustomerPercent }}%</span
......@@ -68,8 +101,9 @@
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">
<template v-if="customerObj">
{{ customerObj.TotalActivationCount }}
<div class="text-info">&nbsp;</div>
......@@ -79,19 +113,25 @@
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum"><template v-if="customerObj">
<span class="datanum"
><template v-if="customerObj">
{{ customerObj.TodayActivationCount }}
<div class="text-info">
<template v-if="customerObj">
<template v-if="customerObj.ActivationPrecent>0">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"> {{customerObj.ActivationPrecent}}%</span>
<template v-if="customerObj.ActivationPrecent > 0">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">
{{ customerObj.ActivationPrecent }}%</span
<template v-else>
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;"> {{customerObj.ActivationPrecent}}%</span>
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">
{{ customerObj.ActivationPrecent }}%</span
......@@ -103,7 +143,7 @@
<div class="sub-title">客户数据走势</div>
<div class="">
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join('-') }}</span>
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join("-") }}</span>
<div style="height: 320px;">
......@@ -118,11 +158,18 @@
<div class="sub-title">今日客户数据</div>
<div class="">
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join(' - ') }}</span>
<span class="text-info">{{
parameters.dateRange.join(" - ")
<el-select v-model="platformId" style="width: 140px;">
<el-option v-for="(x,i) in platforms" :key="i" :label="x.Name" :value="x.Id"></el-option>
v-for="(x, i) in platforms"
<div class="q-mt-md row items-center">
......@@ -133,7 +180,10 @@
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"></el-divider>
style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
......@@ -165,7 +215,9 @@
<div class="sub-title">交易趋势图</div>
<div class="">
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join(' - ') }}</span>
<span class="text-info">{{
parameters.dateRange.join(" - ")
<div style="height: 320px;">
......@@ -179,64 +231,133 @@
<div class="sub-title">用户活跃概况</div>
<div class="">
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="text-info">数据更新:{{ parameters.dateRange[1] }}</span>
<span class="text-info"
>数据更新:{{ parameters.dateRange[1] }}</span
<div class="q-mt-md row items-center">
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">26052</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.Visit_Total }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Visit_TotalYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Visit_TotalYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Visit_TotalYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Visit_TotalYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Visit_TotalSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Visit_TotalSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Visit_TotalSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Visit_TotalSRate }}%</span
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"></el-divider>
style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">89</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UV }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Visit_UVYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Visit_UVYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UVYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UVYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Visit_UVSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Visit_UVSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UVSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UVSRate }}%</span
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;"></el-divider>
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">455</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.Session_CNT }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Session_CNTYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Session_CNTYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Session_CNTYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Session_CNTYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Session_CNTSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Session_CNTSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Session_CNTSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Session_CNTSRate }}%</span
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;"></el-divider>
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">26052</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.Share_UV }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Share_UVYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Share_UVYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Share_UVYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Share_UVYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Share_UVSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Share_UVSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Share_UVSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Share_UVSRate }}%</span
......@@ -248,35 +369,72 @@
<div class="sub-title">新增用户概况</div>
<div class="">
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="text-info">数据更新:{{ parameters.dateRange[1]}}</span>
<span class="text-info"
>数据更新:{{ parameters.dateRange[1] }}</span
<div class="q-mt-md row items-center">
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">26052</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UV_New }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Visit_UV_NewSRate }}%</span
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"></el-divider>
style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">89</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UV }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.Stay_Time_UVSRate }}%</span
......@@ -286,35 +444,72 @@
<div class="sub-title">小程序留存概况</div>
<div class="">
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="text-info">数据更新: {{ parameters.dateRange[1] }}</span>
<span class="text-info"
>数据更新: {{ parameters.dateRange[1] }}</span
<div class="q-mt-md row items-center">
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">26052</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.NewVisitUV }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.NewVisitUVYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.NewVisitUVYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.NewVisitUVYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.NewVisitUVYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.NewVisitUVSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.NewVisitUVSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.NewVisitUVSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.NewVisitUVSRate }}%</span
<el-divider direction="vertical" style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"></el-divider>
style="margin: 0 12px;height: 80%;"
<div class="data-items col">
<div class="num" style="margin: 6px 0;">
<span class="datanum">89</span>
<span class="datanum">{{ baseWechatData.VisitUV }}</span>
<div class="text-info">
<span class="green" style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;">+23%</span>
red: baseWechatData.VisitUVYRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.VisitUVYRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.VisitUVYRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.VisitUVYRate }}%</span
<span class="red" style="margin-left: 5px;">-125%</span>
red: baseWechatData.VisitUVSRate < 0,
green: baseWechatData.VisitUVSRate >= 0
style="margin:0 12px 0 5px;"
>{{ baseWechatData.VisitUVSRate > 0 ? "+" : "" }}
{{ baseWechatData.VisitUVSRate }}%</span
......@@ -326,16 +521,24 @@
<div class="col">
<div class="sub-title">访问核心指标趋势</div>
<div class="">
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join(' - ') }}</span>
<span class="text-info">{{
parameters.dateRange.join(" - ")
<el-select v-model="coreId" style="width: 120px;">
<el-option v-for="(x,i) in coreLists" :key="i" :label="x.Name" :value="x.Id"></el-option>
<el-select v-model="coreId" style="width: 140px; text-align: right;" @change="formatCoreTrend()">
v-for="(x, i) in coreLists"
<div class="text-small q-my-md" style="padding:0 12px;">平均:22.7</div>
<div class="text-small q-my-md" style="padding:0 12px;">平均:{{ currentCoreObj.avg }}{{ currentCoreObj.unit }}</div>
<div style="height: 320px; padding:0 12px">
<Coreview :chart-data="currentCoreObj" v-if="currentCoreObj"></Coreview>
......@@ -345,11 +548,18 @@
<div class="col">
<div class="sub-title">页面访问Top10</div>
<div class="">
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join(' - ') }}</span>
<span class="text-info">{{
parameters.dateRange.join(" - ")
<el-select v-model="metricsId" style="width: 140px;">
<el-option v-for="(x,i) in metrics" :key="i" :label="" :value=""></el-option>
v-for="(x, i) in metrics"
<div style="height: 320px; padding:0 12px;" class="q-mt-md">
......@@ -361,11 +571,18 @@
<div class="col">
<div class="sub-title">客户分布占比</div>
<div class="">
<span class="text-info">{{ parameters.dateRange.join(' - ') }}</span>
<span class="text-info">{{
parameters.dateRange.join(" - ")
<el-select v-model="areaId" style="width: 140px;">
<el-option v-for="(x,i) in areas" :key="i" :label="x.Name" :value="x.Id"></el-option>
v-for="(x, i) in areas"
<div style="height: 320px; padding:0 12px;" class="q-mt-md">
......@@ -373,414 +590,552 @@
import Customer from './components/customer.vue'
import Coreview from './components/coreview.vue';
import Pagecount from './components/pagecount.vue';
import Citiescount from './components/citiescount.vue'
import Tradecount from './components/tradecount.vue'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
active: 0,
pickerOptions: {
shortcuts: [{
text: '最近一周',
import Customer from "./components/customer.vue";
import Coreview from "./components/coreview.vue";
import Pagecount from "./components/pagecount.vue";
import Citiescount from "./components/citiescount.vue";
import Tradecount from "./components/tradecount.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
active: 0,
pickerOptions: {
shortcuts: [
text: "最近一周",
onClick(picker) {
const end = new Date();
const start = new Date();
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7);
picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]);
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 8);
end.setTime(end.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 1);
picker.$emit("pick", [start, end]);
}, {
text: '最近一个月',
text: "最近一个月",
onClick(picker) {
const end = new Date();
const start = new Date();
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30);
picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]);
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31);
end.setTime(end.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 1);
picker.$emit("pick", [start, end]);
}, {
text: '最近三个月',
text: "最近三个月",
onClick(picker) {
const end = new Date();
const start = new Date();
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90);
picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]);
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 91);
end.setTime(end.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 1);
picker.$emit("pick", [start, end]);
disabledDate(time) {
return time.getTime() > new Date( - 3600 * 1000 * 24);
menus: [{
title: '客户数据',
path: 'coreData'
title: '交易数据',
path: 'realTimeData'
title: '访问分析',
path: 'accessAnalysis'
title: '产品统计',
path: 'productStatistics'
branchs: [],
parameters: {
branchId: -1,
dateRange: [],
StartDate: "",
EndDate: "",
disabledDate(time) {
return time.getTime() > new Date( - 3600 * 1000 * 24);
menus: [
title: "客户数据",
path: "coreData"
coreId: 1,
coreLists: [{
"Id": 1,
"Name": "累计用户数"
}, {
"Id": 2,
"Name": "日访问人数"
}, {
"Id": 3,
"Name": "日打开次数"
}, {
"Id": 4,
"Name": "日访问页面数"
}, {
"Id": 5,
"Name": "日新增用户"
}, {
"Id": 6,
"Name": "日打开次数(新用户)"
}, {
"Id": 7,
"Name": "总添加人数"
}, {
"Id": 8,
"Name": "新添加人数"
}, {
"Id": 9,
"Name": "活跃日留存"
}, {
"Id": 10,
"Name": "新增日留存"
}, {
"Id": 11,
"Name": "流失用户数"
}, {
"Id": 12,
"Name": "回流用户数"
metrics: [{
id: 1,
name: "访问次数"
id: 2,
name: "访问人数"
id: 3,
name: "次均停留时长"
id: 4,
name: "进入页次数"
id: 5,
name: "退出页次数"
id: 6,
name: "转发次数"
id: 7,
name: "转发人数"
metricsId: 1,
areas: [{
title: "交易数据",
path: "realTimeData"
title: "访问分析",
path: "accessAnalysis"
title: "产品统计",
path: "productStatistics"
branchs: [],
parameters: {
branchId: -1,
dateRange: [],
StartDate: "",
EndDate: ""
coreId: 1,
coreLists: [
Id: 1,
Name: '省份'
}, {
value: "Visit_Total",
Name: "累计用户数",
Id: 2,
Name: '城市'
platforms: [{
Name: "日访问人数",
Id: 3,
value: "Session_CNT",
Name: "日打开次数",
Id: 4,
value: "Share_UV",
Name: "转发人数",
Id: 5,
value: "Visit_UV_New",
Name: "日新增用户",
Id: 9,
value: "VisitUV",
Name: "活跃日留存",
Id: 10,
value: "NewVisitUV",
Name: "新增日留存",
Id: 11,
value: "Stay_Time_UV",
Name: "人均停留时长",
Id: 12,
value: "Share_UV",
Name: "转发次数",
Id: 13,
value: "Visit_Depth",
Name: "平均访问深度",
Id: 14,
value: "Stay_Time_Session",
Name: "次均停留时长",
metrics: [
id: 1,
name: "访问次数"
id: 2,
name: "访问人数"
id: 3,
name: "次均停留时长"
id: 4,
name: "进入页次数"
id: 5,
name: "退出页次数"
id: 6,
name: "转发次数"
id: 7,
name: "转发人数"
metricsId: 1,
areas: [
Id: 1,
Name: '全部'
}, {
Name: "省份"
Id: 2,
Name: '旅小友'
platformId: 1,
areaId: 1,
customerObj: {},
created() {
const end = new Date();
const start = new Date();
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7);
end.setTime(end.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24);
this.parameters.dateRange = [start.toLocaleString().split(' ')[0], end.toLocaleString().split(' ')[0]]
Name: "城市"
platforms: [
Id: 1,
Name: "全部"
Id: 2,
Name: "旅小友"
platformId: 1,
areaId: 1,
customerObj: {},
baseWechatData: {},
created() {
const end = new Date();
const start = new Date();
start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7);
end.setTime(end.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24);
this.parameters.dateRange = [
start.toLocaleString().split(" ")[0],
end.toLocaleString().split(" ")[0]
mounted() {},
methods: {
handleDateChange() {
mounted() {
handleCompanyChange() {
methods: {
getCustomerStatic() {
if (this.parameters.dateRange && this.parameters.dateRange.length == 2) {
var tempArray = this.parameters.dateRange;
this.parameters.StartDate = tempArray[0];
this.parameters.EndDate = tempArray[1]
getCustomerStatic() {
if (this.parameters.dateRange && this.parameters.dateRange.length == 2) {
var tempArray = this.parameters.dateRange;
this.parameters.StartDate = tempArray[0];
this.parameters.EndDate = tempArray[1];
var that = this;
that.apipost("erp_post_GetCustomerStatic", that.parameters, res => {
console.log("res", res);
if ( == 1) {
this.customerObj =;
} else {
var that = this;
that.apipost("erp_post_GetCustomerStatic", that.parameters, (res) => {
handleClick(index) { = index;
getCompanyList() {
const userInfo = this.getLocalStorage();
const RB_Group_id = userInfo.RB_Group_id;
const msg = {
Status: 0,
is_show: 0,
RB_Group_Id: RB_Group_id
res => {
if ( == 1) {
this.branchs = [
Id: -1,
BName: "全部"
this.branchs = this.branchs.concat(;
err => {}
getHomeChat() {
const msg = {
StartDate: this.parameters.dateRange[0],
EndDate: this.parameters.dateRange[1]
res => {
console.log("res", res);
if ( == 1) {
this.customerObj =;
} else {
this.baseWechatData =;
handleClick(index) { = index;
getCompanyList() {
const userInfo = this.getLocalStorage();
const RB_Group_id = userInfo.RB_Group_id;
err => {}
const msg = {
Status: 0,
is_show: 0,
RB_Group_Id: RB_Group_id
StartDate: this.parameters.dateRange[0],
EndDate: this.parameters.dateRange[1]
res => {
console.log("res", res);
if ( == 1) {
this.trendData =;
err => {}
const msg = {
StartDate: this.parameters.dateRange[0],
EndDate: this.parameters.dateRange[1]
res => {
if ( == 1) {
this.trendData =;
err => {}
const filed = this.coreLists.find(x=>x.Id == this.coreId)
const avg = this.trendData[filed.value]
const unit = filed.Unit
const xAxisData =>x.CreateDayStr)
const seriesData =>x[filed.value])
this.currentCoreObj = {
this.apipost('admin_get_BranchGetList', msg, res => {
if ( == 1) {
this.branchs = [{
Id: -1,
BName: '全部'
this.branchs = this.branchs.concat(
}, err => {})
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