Commit 96e84389 authored by liudong1993's avatar liudong1993

1 营收报表 车行调整

parent 26a4eb72
......@@ -2242,6 +2242,218 @@ export default {
isResize: true
field: "LineName",
title: "车辆",
width: 120,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "left",
isResize: true,
result: [],
type: "select",
isFrozen: true
field: "TCID",
title: "编号",
width: 75,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "left",
isResize: true,
isFrozen: true,
componentName: "TCIDJump"
field: "TCNUM",
title: "团号",
width: 125,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "left",
isResize: true,
result: "",
filterMultiple: false,
type: "text",
isFrozen: true,
componentName: "TCNUMJump"
field: "DMCNUM",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "地接团号",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "YingShou",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "应收金额",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "ShiShou",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "实收金额",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "TuiKuan",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "退款",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "PingTaiShuiJin",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "平台税金",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "ZaiTu",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "在途",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "DaiShou",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "待收金额",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "YiShou",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "溢收金额",
width: 100,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "CheZi",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "车资",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "RoomFee",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "房费",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "MealFee",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "油费",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "TicketFee",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "过路停车费",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "YingFu",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "应付金额",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "MaoLi",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "毛利",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "MaoLiRate",
// formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "毛利率",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "ShiJiLiRun",
formatter: this.moneyFormat,
title: "实际利润",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true,
componentName: "TCIDJumpWang"
field: "Remark",
title: "备注",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true
field: "BName",
title: "公司别",
width: 90,
titleAlign: "left",
columnAlign: "right",
isResize: true
footer: [],
pageSize: 6,
pageIndex: 1,
......@@ -2405,6 +2617,8 @@ export default {
this.columnsOld = this.columns;
......@@ -3151,6 +3365,14 @@ export default {
getPageList() {
// 获取列表数据
this.loading = true;
this.columns = this.columnsCar;
this.columns = this.columnsOld;
if (!this.msg.StartCityId) this.msg.StartCityId = 0;
if (!this.msg.LineId) this.msg.LineId = 0;
if (!this.msg.LineTeamId) this.msg.LineTeamId = 0;
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