Commit faa036cc authored by youjie's avatar youjie
parents 2fe058e6 10ef8723
......@@ -995,7 +995,6 @@
if (subItem.CurrencyId == 0) {
subItem.CurrencyId = 3;
subItem.OrderDetailsList.forEach((x, index1) => {
x.HouseTypeCount = x.HouseTypeCount.toString();
x.UnitPrice = x.UnitPrice.toString();
......@@ -1005,8 +1004,7 @@
subItem.ReserveNo = this.$route.query.NewCombinationNum;
subItem.OrderDetailsList = subItem.OrderDetailsList.filter(item => item.HouseType === 2)
console.log('subItem.OrderDetailsList', subItem.OrderDetailsList, subItem.OrderDetailsList
.filter(item => item.HouseType === 2))
subItem.isShowPop = false;
subItem.ckedHotelName = "";
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