Commit 5dcbd32e authored by youjie's avatar youjie

no message

parent 3d4dc5e1
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
<scroll-view scroll-y class="sku-box">
<view class="sku-item" v-for="(x, i) in g.attr_groups" :key="i" v-if="x.isdateformat==0">
<view class="sku-title">{{ x.attr_group_name }} </view>
......@@ -29,24 +30,12 @@
<text class="val">{{ y.attr_name }}</text>
<view class="sku-item" v-for="(x, i) in g.attr_groups" v-if="x.isdateformat==1">
</view> -->
<view class="sku-item" v-for="(x, i) in g.attr_groups" v-if="x.isdateformat==0">
<!--x.isdateformat=1 改成日历模式 -->
<view class="sku-title">{{ x.attr_group_name }} </view>
<view class="sku-chi" :style="{
background: y.attr_id == x.checkId ? mc : '#eee',
color: y.attr_id == x.checkId ? '#FFF' : '#333'
:class="{ disable: notStockGood.indexOf(y.attr_id) != -1 }"
v-for="(y, yi) in x.attr_list"
:key="yi" @click="clickSkuItemHandler(yi, i)">
<image :src="y.pic_url" class="img" v-if="i == 0 && y.pic_url"></image>
<text class="val">{{ y.attr_name }}</text>
</view> -->
<calendar @finish="chosenDateResult" :immediately="true" :defaultDate="currentPrice.startDate" :priceList="x.attr_list"></calendar>
......@@ -318,10 +318,9 @@ export default {
let d = j + 1 > 9 ? j + 1 : "0" + (j + 1);
if (x.attr_name == `${year}-${m}-${d}`) {
isexsit = true;
// days.push(12)
// if (x.remainNum > 0) {
// days.push(this.$utils.getretailer() ? x.b2BPrice : x.b2CPrice);
// days.push(x.Price);
// } else {
// days.push(-1);
// }
......@@ -442,121 +441,6 @@ export default {
if (this.immediately) {
if (line == 0 && index + 1 < this.nowDay) return;
if (this.priceStauts.length > 0) {
if (
(this.start.length == 0 && this.priceStauts[line][index] < 0) ||
(this.end.length > 0 && this.priceStauts[line][index] < 0)
) {
return uni.showToast({
title: "该日期已被预订",
icon: "none",
if (
(this.start.length > 0 && line < this.start[0]) ||
(line == this.start[0] && this.start[1] > index)
) {
if (this.priceStauts[line][index] < 0)
return uni.showToast({
title: "该日期已被预订",
icon: "none",
this.start = [line, index];
this.end = [];
if (this.start.length > 0 && this.end.length == 0) {
if (this.start[0] - line == 0) {
for (var j = this.start[1]; j < index; j++) {
if (this.priceStauts[line][j] < 0)
return uni.showToast({
title: "很抱歉,所选时间没有报价",
icon: "none",
mask: true,
} else {
for (var i = this.start[0]; i <= line; i++) {
if (i == this.start[0]) {
for (
var j = this.start[1];
j < this.priceStauts[i].length;
) {
if (this.priceStauts[i][j] < 0)
return uni.showToast({
title: "很抱歉,所选时间没有报价",
icon: "none",
mask: true,
} else if (i == line) {
for (var j = 0; j < index; j++) {
if (this.priceStauts[i][j] < 0)
return uni.showToast({
title: "很抱歉,所选时间没有报价",
icon: "none",
mask: true,
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < this.priceStauts[i].length; j++) {
if (this.priceStauts[i][j] < 0)
return uni.showToast({
title: "很抱歉,所选时间没有报价",
icon: "none",
mask: true,
if (this.start.length == 0) {
this.start = [line, index];
} else if (
this.start.length > 0 &&
this.start[0] == line &&
this.start[1] == index &&
this.end.length == 0
) {
} else {
if (this.end.length == 0) {
if (
line < this.start[0] ||
(line == this.start[0] && index < this.start[1])
) {
this.end = this.start;
this.start = [line, index];
} else {
this.end = [line, index];
} else {
this.start = [line, index];
this.end = [];
setDate() {
......@@ -599,31 +483,17 @@ export default {
submit() {
let m =[this.start[0]].month;
m = m > 9 ? m : "0" + m;
let m = this.activeMonth.Month;
let d = this.isFestival(this.start[0], this.start[1], true);
d = d > 9 ? d : "0" + d;
var obj = {
/* startYMD:[this.start[0]].year + this.type +[this.start[0]].month + this.type + this.isFestival(
this.start[0], this.start[1]),
startMD:[this.start[0]].month + this.type + this.isFestival(this.start[0], this.start[1]),
startDay: this.startDay,
startWeek: this.startWeek,
endYMD:[this.end[0]].year + this.type +[this.end[0]].month + this.type + this.isFestival(this
.end[0], this.end[1]),
emdMD:[this.end[0]].month + this.type + this.type + this.isFestival(this.end[0], this.end[1]),
endDay: this.endDay,
endWeek: this.endWeek,
day: */
startWeek: this.startWeek,
start:[this.start[0]].year + this.type + m + this.type + d,
startDay: m + "-" + d,
let tempPrice = {};
this.priceList.forEach((x, i) => {
console.log(x.startDate, obj.start);
if (obj.start == x.startDate) {
obj.priceObj = i;
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