Commit ac602781 authored by 罗超's avatar 罗超


parent cfb1705a
......@@ -633,6 +633,8 @@
"path":"activitysignUp"//活动报名 相亲模式
}] }
"globalStyle": {
<view class="page">
<view class="progressBox">
<view class="progressName">
<text class="cur">{{stepName}}</text>
<text class="nex">{{nextSepName}}</text>
<u-line-progress class="progress" :percent="percent" :show-percent="false" :height="10"
inactive-color="#DADCE6" active-color="#F70027"></u-line-progress>
<view class="stepBox">
<view class="stepItem" v-if="step==1">
<view v-for="(item,index) in stepOneList" :key="index">
<view class="itemBox">
<view class="name">
<view class="con1" v-if="item.type==1">
<input class="input" type="text" v-model="dataOne[item.file]" :placeholder="item.text"
placeholder-style="color: #CECECEFF" />
<view class="con2" v-if="item.type==2">
<image :src="businessLicense" class="conImage" mode="widthFix" @click="chooseImg"></image>
<view class="stepItem" v-if="step==2">
<view v-for="(item,index) in stepTwoList" :key="index">
<view class="itemBox">
<view class="name">
<view class="con1" v-if="item.type==1">
<input class="input" type="text" v-model="data[item.file]" :placeholder="item.text"
placeholder-style="color: #CECECEFF" />
<view class="con3" v-if="item.type==2">
<u-number-box :input-width="100" :input-height="60" bg-color="#F70027" input-width="480">
<view class="con3" v-if="item.type==3">
<u-slider class="slider" v-model="data[item.file]"></u-slider>
<view class="con4" v-if="item.type==4">
<view class="customTypeBox">
<view v-for="(item1,index1) in customList" :key="index1">
<view class="customName" @click="chooseType(item1)"
<input type="text" v-model="addCustomType" placeholder="以上都不合适,可在此输入客户群体"
placeholder-style="color: #CECECEFF" />
<view class="stepItem" v-if="step==3">
<view v-for="(item,index) in stepThreeList" :key="index">
<view class="itemBox">
<view class="name">
<view class="con1" v-if="item.type==1">
<input class="input" type="text" v-model="data[item.file]" :placeholder="item.text"
placeholder-style="color: #CECECEFF" />
<view class="con2" v-if="item.type==2">
<u-radio-group v-model="goodsTypeValue">
<u-radio v-for="(item1, index1) in goodsType" :key="index1" :name="item1.Name">
<view class="butBox">
<image :src="nextIcon" class="next" mode="widthFix" @click="nextStep"></image>
<view class="skip" v-if="step==2">
<text @click="nextStep">跳过</text>
export default {
data() {
return {
step: 1,
nextIcon: "",
percent: 33.33,
stepName: "企业基础资料",
nextSepName: "第2步",
stepOneList: [{
name: "营业执照 (点击图片上传营业执照)",
src: "",
file: "",
type: 2
}, {
name: "企业名称",
text: "请输入企业名称",
file: "",
type: 1
}, {
name: "统一社会信用代码",
text: "输入18位社会信用代码",
file: "",
type: 1
}, {
name: "法人代表",
text: "请输入法人姓名",
file: "",
type: 1
}, {
name: "联系电话",
text: "请输入11位手机或者带区号座机号码",
file: "",
type: 1
}, ],
stepTwoList: [{
name: "品牌名称",
text: "请输入品牌全名",
file: "",
type: 1
}, {
name: "店铺数量",
text: "",
file: "",
type: 2
}, {
name: "店铺面积",
text: "",
file: "",
type: 3
}, {
name: "品牌定位",
text: "请输入品牌全名",
file: "",
type: 1
}, {
name: "客户群体",
text: "",
file: "",
type: 4,
addCustomType: "", //添加客户群体
customList: [], //客户群体
stepThreeList: [{
name: "扩店区域",
text: "请输入品牌全名",
file: "",
type: 1
}, {
name: "商品性质",
text: "",
file: "",
type: 2
}, {
name: "面积要求",
text: "",
file: "",
type: 3
goodsType: [], //商品性质
goodsTypeValue: "",
businessLicense: "", //营业执照
access_token: "",
dataOne: {
methods: {
// 获取客户群体枚举
getCustomerTypeEnumList() {
let parms = {
url: "/api/AppletTrade/GetCustomerTypeEnumList",
this.request2(parms, (res) => {
if (res.resultCode == 1) { => {
e.checked = false
this.customList =
// 获取商品性质
GetProjectTypeEnumList() {
let parms = {
url: "/api/AppletTrade/GetProjectTypeEnumList",
this.request2(parms, (res) => {
if (res.resultCode == 1) {
this.goodsType =
// 新增企业资料
SetCompany(data) {
let parms = {
url: "/api/AppletTrade/SetCompany",
this.request2(parms, (res) => {
if (res.resultCode == 1) {
chooseImg() {
let that = this
count: 1, //默认9
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
sourceType: ['album'], //从相册选择
success: function(res) {
that.businessLicense = res.tempFilePaths[0]
filePath: res.tempFilePaths[0],
encoding: 'base64', //编码格式
success:(ans)=> {
getImgInfo(data) {
let that = this
url: '' + that
method: 'POST',
header: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data: {
image: data,
success(res) {
console.log(111, res)
fail(res) {
getAccess_token() {
let that = this;
url: '', // 百度获取token接口地址
data: {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials', // 固定写死
'client_id': 'QWTnMLORmrozodmfIyOjHGoB',
'client_secret': 'DcsUjSai1OnIHd61B2xIX4zlYqv8E1bP'
method: 'GET',
success(res) {
that.access_token =
fail(e) {}
stepOne() {
nextStep() {
if (this.step < 3 && this.percent <= 100) {
this.percent += this.percent
if (this.step == 1) {
this.stepName = "第1步 企业基础资料"
this.nextSepName = "第2步"
} else if (this.step == 2) {
this.stepName = "第2步 品牌信息"
this.nextSepName = "第3步"
} else if (this.step == 3) {
this.stepName = "第3步 扩店需求"
this.nextSepName = "完成"
chooseType(item) {
item.checked = !item.checked
mounted() {
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