Commit dd9585a7 authored by youjie's avatar youjie

no message

parent fe535db2
......@@ -640,29 +640,6 @@
created() {},
mounted() {
// if(this.$route.query.OrderDate){
// let obj = decodeURIComponent(this.$route.query.OrderDate)
// let OrderDate = JSON.parse(obj)
// this.CarObj = OrderDate.CarObj,//车型
// this.AirportObj = OrderDate.AirportObj,//机场
// this.calculationAmount = OrderDate.calculationAmount,//日期
// this.chosenObj = OrderDate.calculationNum,//数量
// this.sumPrice = OrderDate.sumPrice,//总金额
// this.details = OrderDate.details//产品详情
// this.onCarObj = OrderDate.onCarObj//上车范围
// this.unCarObj = OrderDate.unCarObj//下车范围
// }
// this.parameters.ProductId = this.details.Id
// this.parameters.OrderDate = this.calculationAmount.startDate
// if(this.details.CarType!=3){
// this.parameters.AirportId = this.AirportObj.Id
// this.parameters.FlightTime = this.calculationAmount.startDate
// }
// this.parameters.CarId = this.CarObj.Id
// this.parameters.OrderType = this.details.CarType
// this.parameters.Unit_Price = this.calculationAmount.originalB2CPrice
// this.parameters.Num = this.chosenObj.Count
// this.parameters.Money = this.sumPrice
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