Commit 4fec71b6 authored by liudong1993's avatar liudong1993

1销售提成 增加插班生效状态

parent c9b8a6c5
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ GROUP BY ClassId;";
string sql = $@"SELECT o.* FROM rb_order o
inner join rb_class c on o.ClassId = c.ClassId
WHERE o.Group_Id ={group_Id} and o.OrderState =1 and o.CommissionRate >0 and c.OpenTime <= '{eDate} 23:59:59' {where} and o.PreferPrice <= (o.Income - o.Refund + o.DiscountMoney + o.PlatformTax) and (o.IsCommissionGiveOK =0 or (o.ExtraRewardMoney -o.ExtraDeductMoney)<> o.ExtraCommissionMoney);";
WHERE o.Group_Id ={group_Id} and o.OrderState =1 and o.EffectStatus in(1,2) and o.CommissionRate >0 and c.OpenTime <= '{eDate} 23:59:59' {where} and o.PreferPrice <= (o.Income - o.Refund + o.DiscountMoney + o.PlatformTax) and (o.IsCommissionGiveOK =0 or (o.ExtraRewardMoney -o.ExtraDeductMoney)<> o.ExtraCommissionMoney);";
return Get<RB_Order_ViewModel>(sql).ToList();
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