Commit 5c894047 authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent bee881e4
......@@ -2406,59 +2406,19 @@ namespace Edu.Module.Course
#region 新增修改学员账号
if (flag)
if (flag &&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dmodel.Mobile))
var stuOrderGuestModel = student_OrderGuestRepository.GetStrOrderGuestListRepository(new RB_Student_OrderGuest_ViewModel { ClassId = ordermodel.ClassId, OrderId = ordermodel.OrderId, GuestId = dmodel.Id }).FirstOrDefault();
var accmodel = accountRepository.GetAccountListRepository(new RB_Account_ViewModel() { Group_Id = dmodel.Group_Id, AccountType = Common.Enum.User.AccountTypeEnum.Student, Account = dmodel.Mobile }).FirstOrDefault();
if (stuOrderGuestModel != null && accmodel != null)
Dictionary<string, object> fileds = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{nameof(RB_Student_ViewModel.StuSex), dmodel.Sex - 1},
studentRepository.Update(fileds, new WhereHelper(nameof(RB_Student_ViewModel.StuId), stuOrderGuestModel.Student_Id));
else if (stuOrderGuestModel != null && accmodel == null)
var stuModel = studentRepository.GetStuByTelRepository(new RB_Student_ViewModel()
Dictionary<string, object> accountFileds = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{nameof(RB_Account_ViewModel.Account),dmodel.Mobile }
accountRepository.Update(accountFileds, new WhereHelper(nameof(RB_Account_ViewModel.Id), stuOrderGuestModel.Account_Id));
else if (stuOrderGuestModel == null && accmodel != null)
student_OrderGuestRepository.Insert(new Model.Entity.User.RB_Student_OrderGuest()
Id = 0,
Account_Id = accmodel.Id,
ClassId = ordermodel.ClassId,
CreateBy = dmodel.CreateBy,
CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
GuestId = dmodel.Id,
OrderId = dmodel.OrderId,
Status = DateStateEnum.Normal,
Student_Id = accmodel.AccountId
LogContent += ",添加学生账号关联【" + accmodel.Id + "】";
Group_Id = dmodel.Group_Id,
StuTel = dmodel.Mobile
if (stuModel == null)
var stuModel = new RB_Student_ViewModel()
stuModel = new RB_Student_ViewModel()
StuId = 0,
AreaId = 0,
......@@ -2482,7 +2442,18 @@ namespace Edu.Module.Course
CreateType = Common.Enum.User.StuCreateTypeEnum.EmployeeInput
var stuOrderGuestModel = student_OrderGuestRepository.GetStrOrderGuestListRepository(new RB_Student_OrderGuest_ViewModel
ClassId = ordermodel.ClassId,
OrderId = ordermodel.OrderId,
GuestId = dmodel.Id
if (stuOrderGuestModel == null)
student_OrderGuestRepository.Insert(new Model.Entity.User.RB_Student_OrderGuest()
......@@ -516,7 +516,6 @@ WHERE o.OrderState=1 and og.`Status`=0 and sog.`Status`=0 and og.GuestState=1 an
accountRepository.Update(accountFileds, new WhereHelper(nameof(RB_Account.Id), accountModel.Id));
student_LogRepository.AddStuLogRepository(model.StuId, Common.Enum.Log.StudentLogTypeEnum.BasicInfo, logTitle, logContent, createBy, CreateType: model.OperateType);
......@@ -633,8 +632,8 @@ WHERE 1=1 AND YEARWEEK(date_format(t.CreateTime, '%Y-%m-%d')) = YEARWEEK(now())
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
FROM rb_student AS t
SELECT t.*,B.Id AS Account_Id
FROM rb_student AS t LEFT JOIN rb_account AS B ON t.StuId=B.AccountId AND B.AccountType=4
builder.AppendFormat(" AND t.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Student_ViewModel.Status), (int)DateStateEnum.Normal);
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