Commit a3360ba2 authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent 49bef24f
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ SELECT A.*,IFNULL(B.ClassName,'') AS ClassName,IFNULL(B.ClassNo,'') AS ClassNo,I
FROM RB_Student_OrderGuest AS A INNER JOIN rb_class AS B ON A.ClassId=B.ClassId
INNER JOIN rb_order AS C ON A.OrderId=C.OrderId
INNER JOIN rb_order_guest AS D ON A.GuestId=D.Id
WHERE 1=1 AND C.OrderState<>3
builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Student_OrderGuest_ViewModel.Status), (int)DateStateEnum.Normal);
if (query != null)
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ ORDER BY r.Id DESC ";
public List<RB_Contribute_Info_ViewModel> GetCanSendCommissionList(int group_Id, string eDate)
string sql = $@"SELECT * FROM rb_contribute_info WHERE `Status` =0 and Group_Id ={group_Id}
and AuditState =2 and PublishDate <='{eDate} 23:59:59' and IFNULL(IsSendCommission,0) <>1";
and AuditState =2 and PublishDate <='{eDate} 23:59:59' and IFNULL(IsSendCommission,0) <>1 and RemunerationState =1";
return Get<RB_Contribute_Info_ViewModel>(sql).ToList();
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