Commit b6e6fba3 authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent 3655a1ab
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ WHERE p.`Status`=0 AND p.Group_Id={group_Id} AND p.ClassId ={classId}
//LEFT JOIN (SELECT ClassPlanId,COUNT(*) as LessonPlanSummaryNum from rb_class_lessonplan where `Status`=0 and ISNULL(Summary)=0 and LENGTH(trim(Summary))>0 GROUP BY ClassPlanId)as lps on a.ClassPlanId=lps.ClassPlanId
//WHERE 1=1 and class.ClassStatus=2 and t.`Status`=0
// ");
// builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Class_Plan_ViewModel.Status), (int)DateStateEnum.Normal);
// builder.AppendFormat(" AND A.{0}={1} ", nameof(RB_Class_Plan_ViewModel.Status), (int)DateStateEnum.Normal);
if (query != null)
if (query.ClassId > 0)
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ WHERE p.`Status`=0 AND p.Group_Id={group_Id} AND p.ClassId ={classId}
// return Get<RB_Class_Plan_ViewModel>(builder.ToString()).ToList();
// return Get<RB_Class_Plan_ViewModel>(builder.ToString()).ToList();
//// string sql = $@"
////SELECT * from (SELECT IF
......@@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ WHERE p.`Status`=0 AND p.Group_Id={group_Id} AND p.ClassId ={classId}
////( SELECT @rank := 0, @class := 0, @score := '2020-01-01', @colum := 0 ) r
////WHERE 1=1 and class.ClassStatus=2 and t.`Status`=0 and a.`Status`=0 ORDER BY a.ClassId,a.ClassDate) as a where 1=1 {builder.ToString()} ";
string sql = $@"CALL proc_GetClassPlanRank('{builder.ToString()}')";
return Get<RB_Class_Plan_ViewModel>(sql).ToList();
string sql = $@"CALL proc_GetClassPlanRank('{builder.ToString()}')";
return Get<RB_Class_Plan_ViewModel>(sql).ToList();
......@@ -357,7 +357,15 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.Duty
public ApiResult DutyCheck()
var Id = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("Id");
if (Id <= 0)
return ApiResult.ParamIsNull(message: "请传递值班编号!");
var Shift = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("Shift");
if (Shift <= 0)
return ApiResult.ParamIsNull(message: "请传递值班班次!");
var Status = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("Status");
int IsBurst = base.ParmJObj.GetInt("IsBurst");
......@@ -89,14 +89,16 @@ namespace Edu.WebApi.Controllers.User
List<RB_Account_ViewModel> list = new List<RB_Account_ViewModel>();
list.Add(new RB_Account_ViewModel
List<RB_Account_ViewModel> list = new List<RB_Account_ViewModel>
Id = base.UserInfo.Id,
AccountId = base.UserInfo.AccountId,
AccountType = base.UserInfo.AccountType,
Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id
new RB_Account_ViewModel
Id = base.UserInfo.Id,
AccountId = base.UserInfo.AccountId,
AccountType = base.UserInfo.AccountType,
Group_Id = base.UserInfo.Group_Id
bool result = accountModule.SetBatchResetPassword(list, NewPassWord);
if (result)
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