Commit bc7ca74a authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent 45d2345f
......@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ FROM rb_class_plan AS A INNER JOIN rb_class AS B ON A.ClassId=B.ClassId
LEFT JOIN rb_class_time F on A.ClassPlanId = F.ClassPlanId
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ClassId,COUNT(*) as TotalPlanNum from rb_class_plan where `Status`=0 AND ClassDate<='{1}' GROUP BY ClassId) as finishPlan on finishPlan.ClassId=a.ClassId
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ClassId,COUNT(*) as TotalPlanNum from rb_class_plan where `Status`=0 GROUP BY ClassId) as plan on plan.ClassId=a.ClassId
WHERE 1=1 AND A.`Status`=0 AND B.`Status`=0 {0}
WHERE 1=1 AND A.`Status`=0 AND B.`Status`=0 AND B.ClassScrollType=1 {0}
) AS A
GROUP BY A.ClassPlanId,A.ClassId ,A.ClassDate,A.ClassRoomId,A.CompleteProgress
", where.ToString(),Common.ConvertHelper.FormatDate(DateTime.Now));
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