stringsql=$@"SELECT COUNT(*) as ChildNum,a.CreateBy ,SUM(Score) as Score from rb_okr_objective as a LEFT JOIN rb_okr_objectiverelation as b on a.Id=b.ObjectiveId
WHERE a.Group_Id={group_Id} and a.`Status` <>5 and a.PeriodId ={periodId}{where}
stringsql=$@"SELECT COUNT(0) as ChildNum,o2.CreateBy FROM
rb_okr_objectiverelation or1
LEFT JOIN rb_okr_objective o1 on or1.ObjectiveId = o1.Id
LEFT JOIN rb_okr_objective o2 on or1.ParentId = o2.Id
WHERE o1.CreateBy in({CreateBys}) and o2.CreateBy ={id} and o1.`Status`=2 and o1.Group_Id={group_Id} and o1.PeriodId ={periodId} and o2.Group_Id={group_Id} and o2.PeriodId ={periodId} and o2.`Status`=2 group by o1.CreateBy ";