Commit f90464e3 authored by liudong1993's avatar liudong1993


parent 7006ee43
......@@ -62,5 +62,9 @@ namespace Edu.Model.Entity.Sell
/// </summary>
public string AdminRemark { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 备注
/// </summary>
public string Remark { get; set; }
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -462,7 +462,9 @@ namespace Edu.Module.Course
var courseList = courseRepository.GetCourseListRepository(new RB_Course_ViewModel() { Group_Id = userInfo.Group_Id, CourseName = "内部班" });
string courseIds = string.Join(",", courseList.Select(x => x.CourseId));
var orderList = orderRepository.GetAllMoneyCollectedOrderList(userInfo.Group_Id, EDate, courseIds);//开班时间 必须在选择的月份之前 要排除内部班 --------------
string EnableDate = Config.NewAchievementsEnable;//新提成启用时间
var orderList = orderRepository.GetAllMoneyCollectedOrderList(userInfo.Group_Id, EDate, courseIds, EnableDate);//开班时间 必须在选择的月份之前 要排除内部班 --------------
if (orderList.Any())
#region 基础数据
......@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ GROUP BY ClassId;";
/// <param name="eDate">开班时间</param>
/// <param name="courseIds">内部班课程</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<RB_Order_ViewModel> GetAllMoneyCollectedOrderList(int group_Id, string eDate,string courseIds)
public List<RB_Order_ViewModel> GetAllMoneyCollectedOrderList(int group_Id, string eDate,string courseIds, string enableDate)
string where = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseIds))
......@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ GROUP BY ClassId;";
string sql = $@"SELECT o.* FROM rb_order o
inner join rb_class c on o.ClassId = c.ClassId
WHERE o.Group_Id ={group_Id} and o.OrderState =1 and o.EffectStatus in(1,2) and o.CommissionRate >0 and o.CreateTime <'2021-12-01' and c.OpenTime <= '{eDate} 23:59:59' {where} and o.PreferPrice = (o.Income - o.Refund + o.DiscountMoney + o.PlatformTax) and (o.IsCommissionGiveOK =0 or (o.ExtraRewardMoney -o.ExtraDeductMoney)<> o.ExtraCommissionMoney);";
WHERE o.Group_Id ={group_Id} and o.OrderState =1 and o.EffectStatus in(1,2) and o.CommissionRate >0 and o.CreateTime <'{enableDate}' and c.OpenTime <= '{eDate} 23:59:59' {where} and o.PreferPrice = (o.Income - o.Refund + o.DiscountMoney + o.PlatformTax) and (o.IsCommissionGiveOK =0 or (o.ExtraRewardMoney -o.ExtraDeductMoney)<> o.ExtraCommissionMoney);";
return Get<RB_Order_ViewModel>(sql).ToList();
......@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ GROUP BY o.OrderId";
/// <param name="courseType">类型 1包含 2不包含</param>
/// <param name="courseIds"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<RB_Order_ViewModel> GetAllAchievementsSendOrderList(int group_Id, string eDate, int courseType, string courseIds, string schoolIds)
public List<RB_Order_ViewModel> GetAllAchievementsSendOrderList(int group_Id, string sDate, string eDate, int courseType, string courseIds, string schoolIds)
string where = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseIds))
......@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ GROUP BY o.OrderId";
string sql = $@"SELECT o.*,c.School_Id as ClassSchoolId FROM rb_order o
left join rb_class c on o.ClassId = c.ClassId
left join rb_sell_achievements_emp e on o.OrderId = e.OrderId
WHERE o.Group_Id ={group_Id} and o.OrderState =1 and o.CreateTime >='2021-12-01' and o.CreateTime <= '{eDate} 23:59:59'
WHERE o.Group_Id ={group_Id} and o.OrderState =1 and o.CreateTime >='{sDate}' and o.CreateTime <= '{eDate} 23:59:59'
and e.Id is null
and o.PreferPrice = (o.Income - o.Refund + o.DiscountMoney + o.PlatformTax) {where}
group by o.OrderId
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