Commit 1208acac authored by liudong1993's avatar liudong1993


parent c48d2e31
......@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ namespace Mall.Education
string FilePath = "";
string[] patharr = FilePath.Split('/');
string kjkj = "";
for (var i = 3; i < patharr.Length - 1; i++)
kjkj += patharr[i] + "/";
Console.WriteLine("2:" + kjkj);
//string FilePath = "";
//string[] patharr = FilePath.Split('/');
//string kjkj = "";
//for (var i = 3; i < patharr.Length - 1; i++)
// kjkj += patharr[i] + "/";
//Console.WriteLine("2:" + kjkj);
......@@ -12138,6 +12138,34 @@ namespace Mall.Module.Product
goods_OrderDetailRepository.Update(keyValues, wheres);
#region 更新课程评分
var goodsModel = goodsRepository.GetEntity(demodel.GoodsId ?? 0);
if (goodsModel != null && goodsModel.GoodsClassify == 2)
var gcsModel = goods_CommentRepository.GetGoodsCommentScore(demodel.GoodsId ?? 0);
if (gcsModel != null)
decimal score = 0;
if (gcsModel.CommentNum > 0)
score = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(gcsModel.CommentScore ?? 0) / gcsModel.CommentNum, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
Dictionary<string, object> keyValues1 = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ nameof(RB_Goods.CourseScore),score}
List<WhereHelper> wheres1 = new List<WhereHelper>() {
new WhereHelper(){
goodsRepository.Update(keyValues1, wheres1);
if (OrderId < 0)
var dlist = goods_OrderDetailRepository.GetOrderDetailList(new RB_Goods_OrderDetail_Extend() { OrderId = OrderId, IsComment = 2, TenantId = demodel.TenantId, MallBaseId = demodel.MallBaseId });
......@@ -342,6 +342,16 @@ from rb_goods_comment as c where {where} GROUP BY OrderDetailId) as t GROUP BY t
return Get<RB_Goods_Comment_Extend>(sql).ToList();
/// <summary>
/// 获取商品评分
/// </summary>
/// <param name="goodsId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public RB_Goods_Comment_Extend GetGoodsCommentScore(int goodsId) {
string sql = $@"SELECT SUM(CommentScore) AS CommentScore, COUNT(0) AS CommentNum FROM rb_goods_comment WHERE Status =0 and GoodsId = {goodsId}";
return Get<RB_Goods_Comment_Extend>(sql).FirstOrDefault();
......@@ -616,6 +616,7 @@ namespace Mall.WebApi.Controllers.Education
demodel.IntegralComment ??= 0;//评论反积分
demodel.IntegralCommentType ??= 1;
demodel.GoodsPageType ??= GoodsPageTypeEnum.All;
demodel.CourseScore ??= 0;
bool flag = educationModule.SetProductGoodsInfo(demodel);
if (flag)
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