Commit b384b76c authored by liudong1993's avatar liudong1993

Merge branch 'master' of into sdzq-ld

parents 9fd31c84 2128d00f
......@@ -210,13 +210,14 @@ namespace Mall.WebApi.App_Code
var res = new ResponseHandler(accessor);
var tradeType = res.GetParameter("trade_type");
LogHelper.WriteInfo("Notify支付回调:res-" + res.ToString());
LogHelper.WriteInfo("NotifyZhouTian支付回调:res-" + res.ToString());
RB_MiniProgram_Extend model = new RB_MiniProgram_Extend();
model = programModule.GetMiniProgramModule(new RB_MiniProgram_Extend { MallBaseId = 6, TenantId = 16 });
if (res.IsWXsign(out string error))
#region 参数
var returnCode = res.GetParameter("return_code");
......@@ -105,8 +105,10 @@ namespace Mall.WebApi.Controllers.AppletWeChat
var req = new RequestHandler();
App_Code.PayUtil PayUtil = new App_Code.PayUtil();
var result = PayUtil.NotifyZhouTian(_accessor);
LogHelper.WriteInfo( "NotifyZhouTian返回信息进来了" );
if (result.IsSuccess)
LogHelper.WriteInfo( "NotifyZhouTian回调成功:"+ result.ToString());
var dic = ((Dictionary<string, string>)result.Data);
lock (_lock)
......@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ namespace Mall.WebApi.Controllers.AppletWeChat
DateTime PayDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dic["PayDate"], "yyyyMMddHHmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);//转换时间// Convert.ToDateTime(dic["PayDate"]);
#region 新增订单支付信息
LogHelper.WriteInfo( "NotifyZhouTian订单信息");
userCommonModule.InsertOrderPayInfo(UserId, OrderId, sOrderNo, TransactionId, Common.Enum.Goods.OrderPayTypeEnum.WeChatPay, PayType, dPaid, PayDate, 0);
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