Commit 0c85db10 authored by Mac's avatar Mac


parent b4d6a35a
......@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
集团名称<span class="_r_name _jump_page">{{emplyeeName}}</span>
业务员<span class="_r_name _jump_page">{{emplyeeName}}</span>
<div class="_explain">
......@@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@
let userInfo = this.getLocalStorage();
this.department = userInfo.DeptName;
this.EmployeeId = userInfo.Id;
this.emplyeeName = userInfo.GroupName;
this.emplyeeName = userInfo.AccountName;
this.DepartIDs = this.msg.RB_Depart_Id = userInfo.DeptId;
this.RB_Branch_id = this.departmentMsg.RB_Branch_Id = this.msg.RB_Branch_Id = userInfo.School_Id;
this.companyMsg.RB_Group_Id = this.departmentMsg.RB_Group_Id = userInfo.Group_Id;
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