Commit 254295ae authored by Mac's avatar Mac


parent 3c694b04
......@@ -201,6 +201,13 @@
<q-table v-if="tabCheck == 'first'" hide-bottom :columns="visitColumns" :data="showTodayVist"
:loading="loadingObj.visitLoading" no-data-label="暂无相关数据" flat
class="sticky-right-column-table sticky-column-table" separator="none">
<template v-slot:body-cell-StuName="props">
<q-td :props="props">
<div class="text-blue cursor-pointer" @click="getStuRight(props.row)">
{{ props.value }}
<template v-slot:body-cell-Option="props">
<q-td :props="props">
<q-btn dense flat color="primary" v-if="props.row.IsVisit != 1"
......@@ -662,6 +669,7 @@
getStuRight(obj) {
if (obj) {
this.stuOption = obj;
this.stuOption.noEdit = true
} else {
this.stuOption = null;
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<q-tab name="2" label="操作" />
<q-tab name="3" label="订单" />
<q-tab name="4" label="合同" />
<q-tab name="5" label="协同人员" />
<q-tab v-if="!baseObj.noEdit" name="5" label="协同人员" />
<div class="operate_Content" style="flex:1;">
<div class="detail_Main">
......@@ -244,14 +244,14 @@
name: "B2CRatio",
required: true,
label: "直客优惠返佣比例",
label: "直客优惠比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CRatio
name: "B2CReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "直客优惠续费返佣比例",
label: "直客优惠续费比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CReNewRatio
......@@ -305,10 +305,24 @@
field: (row) => row.InnerRecommendRatio
name: "InnerRecommendReNewRatio",
name: "B2CRbRatio",
required: true,
label: "内推续费返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CRbRatio
name: "B2CRbRatioValue",
required: true,
label: "直客返佣",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CRbRatioValue
name: "InnerRecommendReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "直客续费返佣",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.InnerRecommendReNewRatio
......@@ -352,6 +352,93 @@
align: "left",
field: row => row.PreferentialList
// 12月15号新增参数
name: "B2CRatio",
required: true,
label: "直客优惠比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CRatio
name: "B2CReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "直客优惠续费比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CReNewRatio
name: "B2BRebateRatio",
required: true,
label: "一般同行返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2BRebateRatio
name: "B2BReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "一般同行续费返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2BReNewRatio
name: "SchoolRebateRatio",
required: true,
label: "校园同行返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.SchoolRebateRatio
name: "SchoolReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "校园同行续费返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.SchoolReNewRatio
name: "TransIntroductceRatio",
required: true,
label: "转介返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.TransIntroductceRatio
name: "TransIntroductceReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "转介续费返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.TransIntroductceReNewRatio
name: "InnerRecommendRatio",
required: true,
label: "内推返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.InnerRecommendRatio
name: "InnerRecommendReNewRatio",
required: true,
label: "内推续费返佣比例",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.InnerRecommendReNewRatio
name: "B2CRbRatio",
required: true,
label: "直客返佣",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CRbRatio
name: "B2CRbRatioValue",
required: true,
label: "直客续费返佣",
align: "left",
field: (row) => row.B2CRbRatioValue
name: "TeacherList",
label: "教师团队",
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