Commit 60756bd1 authored by zhengke's avatar zhengke


parent 06ebbbe8
......@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
<div class="row wrap">
<div class="col-6">
<q-select stack-label v-model="FrequencyArr" multiple :options="frequencyOptions" color="primary" filled
clearable label="选择班次" option-label="Name" option-value="Id" ref="Shifts"
label="选择班次" option-label="Name" option-value="Id" ref="Shifts"
@input="getSchoolListByFrequencyIds" emit-value map-options :rules="[val => !!val || '请选择班次']" class="col-6 q-pr-lg q-pb-lg" />
<div class="col-6">
<q-select stack-label v-model="schoolArr" multiple :options="schoolOptions" color="primary" filled clearable
<q-select stack-label v-model="schoolArr" multiple :options="schoolOptions" color="primary" filled
label="选择校区" option-label="SName" option-value="SId" ref="ItemSchools"
@input="getDutyFrequencyBySchoolIds" emit-value map-options :rules="[val => !!val || '请选择校区']" />
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