Commit b34d37bf authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent 98d89f78
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<div class="col-2">
<q-select filled dense stack-label @input="getList" option-value="TId" @filter="filterTeacherFn" use-input option-label="TeacherName" v-model="msg.TeacherId"
ref="Teacher_Id" :options="TeacherList" label="教师团队" clearable class="col-6 q-pr-lg q-pb-lg" emit-value
ref="Teacher_Id" :options="TeacherList" label="教师" clearable class="col-6 q-pr-lg q-pb-lg" emit-value
map-options />
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