Commit d3e340c4 authored by Mac's avatar Mac


parent 5f255805
<q-card class="q-px-md" style="width:1000px;max-width:1000px;">
<q-card class="q-px-md" style="width:1100px;max-width:1100px;">
<q-card-section class="row items-center q-pb-none">
<div class="text-h6">新增出库单</div>
<q-space />
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
:rules="[val => !!val || '请选择类型']" />
<div class="col ">
<q-input standout bottom-slots filled v-model="model.Remark" type="textarea" ref="Remark" label="备注" dense/>
<q-input standout bottom-slots filled v-model="model.Remark" type="text" ref="Remark" label="备注" dense/>
<div class="text-subtitle2 text-weight-bold q-mb-md row items-center q-pb-none" >
......@@ -86,8 +86,15 @@
<template v-slot:body-cell-caozuo="props">
<q-td :props="props" class="text-negative">
<q-btn color="primary" size="11px" class="q-mr-md" @click="showhaocai(props.rowIndex)">选择耗材</q-btn>
<q-btn color="primary" size="11px" @click="delhaocai_class(props.rowIndex)">删除</q-btn>
<!-- <q-btn color="primary" size="xs" class="q-mr-md" @click="showhaocai(props.rowIndex)">选择耗材</q-btn>
<q-btn color="primary" size="xs" @click="delhaocai_class(props.rowIndex)">删除</q-btn> -->
<q-btn flat size="xs" icon="edit" color="accent" style="font-weight:400" label="选择"
@click="showhaocai(props.rowIndex)" />
<q-btn flat size="xs" icon="iconfont icon-shanchu" color="negative" style="font-weight:400"
class="q-mr-xs" label="" @click="delhaocai_class(props.rowIndex)" />
<template v-slot:bottom>
......@@ -289,14 +296,14 @@
name: "SupplierName",
required: true,
label: "供应商",
align: "left",
field: "SupplierName",
// {
// name: "SupplierName",
// required: true,
// label: "供应商",
// align: "left",
// field: "SupplierName",
// style:"width:200px"
// },
name: "InventoryNum",
required: true,
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