Commit f4dfbf9f authored by youjie's avatar youjie

no message

parent 8e7093e5
......@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@
max-height: calc(100%-200px) !important;
......@@ -141,17 +144,19 @@
<div class="cm_content _scrollbar">
<div class="cm_content _scrollbar" style="position: absolute;top:117px;bottom: 50px;left: 15px;right:15px;overflow-y: scroll;">
<table class="po_content singeRowTable"
style="border:1px solid #E6E6E6;" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" v-loading="loading">
<th>项目辅助核算 </th>
<tr v-for="(item,index) in DataList" :key="index">
......@@ -165,10 +170,14 @@
<span v-if="item.Direction==1"></span>
<span v-if="item.Direction==2"></span>
<div class="noData" v-if="DataList&&DataList.length==0">
......@@ -1038,39 +1038,40 @@
msg: {
pageIndex: 1,
pageSize: 5,
FrID: '',
sDate: '',
eDate: '',
Status: '-1',
TemplateId: '0',
RB_Branch_Id: '',
RB_Depart_Id: '',
sTradeDate: '',
eTradeDate: '',
ClientType: '',
RemitterName: '',
ClientID: '',
sMoney: '',
eMoney: '',
CurrencyId: '0',
CostTypeID: '',
Conditon: '',
TCNUM: '',
TradeWay: '',
Type: '-1',
AccountType: '',
QEndDate: '',
QStartDate: '',
UpdateBy: '',
IsFormRecPayQuery: '1',
KJCostTypeId: 0,
IsSelectKJSetCostType: 0,
Remark: '', //备注查询
Sort: '2',
EmployeeId: '',
IsSellOrderForm: 1
pageIndex:1,// 是 [string] 查看
pageSize:5,// 是 [string] 查看
FrID:'0',// 是 [string] 查看
sDate:'',// 是 [string]
eDate:'',// 是 [string]
Status:'-1',// 是 [string] 查看
TemplateId:'0',// 是 [string] 查看
RB_Branch_Id:'',// 是 [string] 查看
RB_Depart_Id:'',// 是 [string] 查看
sTradeDate:'',// 是 [string]
eTradeDate:'',// 是 [string]
ClientType:'',// 是 [string] 查看
RemitterName:'',// 是 [string]
ClientID:'',// 是 [string] 查看
sMoney:'',// 是 [string]
eMoney:'',// 是 [string]
CurrencyId:'0',// 是 [string] 查看
CostTypeID:'',// 是 [string] 查看
Conditon:'',// 是 [string] 查看
TCNUM:'',// 是 [string]
TradeWay:'',// 是 [string] 查看
Type:'',// 是 [string] 查看
AccountType:'',// 是 [string] 查看
QEndDate:'',// 是 [string]
QStartDate:'',// 是 [string]
UpdateBy:'',// 是 [string] 查看
IsFormRecPayQuery:'1',// 是 [string] 查看
KJCostTypeId:0,// 是 [string] 查看
IsSelectKJSetCostType:0,// 是 [string] 查看
Remark:'',// 是 [string]
Sort:'2',// 是 [string] 查看
EmployeeId:'',// 是 [string] 查看
TCID:'',// 是 [string] 查看
getCompanyMsg: { // 校区
RB_Group_Id: '0',
......@@ -1157,58 +1158,7 @@
created() {
if (this.$route.query.returnCode) { = this.$route.query.returnCode;
this.msg.Conditon = this.$route.query.returnCode;
if (this.$route.query.pageIndex) {
this.msg.pageIndex = this.$route.query.pageIndex;
if (this.$route.query.Conditon) {
this.msg.Conditon = this.$route.query.Conditon; = parseInt(this.$route.query.Conditon);
if (this.$route.query.FrID) {
this.msg.FrID = this.$route.query.FrID;
if (this.$route.query.Type) {
this.msg.Type = this.$route.query.Type + '';
if (this.$route.query.rec) {
this.msg.AccountType = 15;
this.msg.TradeWay = 4;
this.getAccountList(this.msg.AccountType, this.msg.TradeWay)
this.msg.BankID = this.$route.query.BankID;
this.transactionDate[0] = this.$route.query.StartDate;
this.transactionDate[1] = this.$route.query.StartDate;
this.msg.sTradeDate = this.$route.query.StartDate;
this.msg.eTradeDate = this.$route.query.StartDate;
if (this.$route.query.BankID == '') {
// 费用类型:机票折让费
this.msg.CostTypeID = 197;
if (this.$route.query.air) {
this.msg.AccountType = 17;
this.msg.TradeWay = 4;
this.getAccountList(this.msg.AccountType, this.msg.TradeWay)
this.msg.BankID = 20;
this.transactionDate[0] = this.$route.query.StartDate;
this.transactionDate[1] = this.$route.query.StartDate;
var localStorageData = window.localStorage["loginUserInfo"];
let ActionMenuList = JSON.parse(localStorageData).data.ActionMenuList
if (ActionMenuList && ActionMenuList.length > 0) {
ActionMenuList.forEach(x => {
if (x.FunctionCode == 'Finance_InvoiceUpdate') {//发票修改权限
this.Finance_InvoiceUpdate = true
if(x.FunctionCode == 'Finance_ExpenseType'){//费用类型修改权限
this.Finance_ExpenseType = true
components: {
"my-Bill": myBill,
......@@ -1216,32 +1166,7 @@
mounted() {
let userInfo = this.getLocalStorage();
this.getCompanyMsg.RB_Group_Id = this.employeeMsg.GroupId = this.getDepartmentMsg.RB_Group_Id = userInfo
.RB_Group_id; //集团ID
this.DepartIDs = userInfo.RB_Department_Id;
this.userId = userInfo.EmployeeId;
this.msg.EmployeeId = userInfo.EmployeeId;
var that = this;
that.MsgBus.$on('getRecQuery', function (FrID) {
that.zhuanjiaoMsg.CreateBy = '';
that.zhuanjiaoMsg.RB_CreateByName = '';
that.zhuanjiaoMsg.FrIDList = [];
that.zhuanjiaoBox = true;
methods: {
......@@ -12,19 +12,26 @@
style="border:1px solid #E6E6E6;" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" v-loading="loading">
<th width="150px">操作</th>
<tr v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index">
<td style="white-space: warp;">
<el-tag size="mini" class="tagF" v-for="(i,indexs) in item.KingdeeList" :key="indexs"
<p v-for="(i,indexs) in item.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<span class="q-mr-xs">{{i.BranchName}}: </span>
<el-tag size="mini" class="tagF"
closable @close="Delete(item,i)">
<td width="150px">
<span style="cursor: pointer;color:blue;text-decoration:underline;margin-right: 5px" @click="AddR(item)">新增</span>
......@@ -194,10 +194,17 @@
<td class="cursorpointer_last" width="150px">
<span class="cursorpointer">{{grSon.Name}}</span></td>
<td width="150px" style="white-space:wrap">
<span class="tagF KingdeeName" v-for="(i,indexs) in grSon.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<p v-for="(i,indexs) in grSon.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<span class="q-mr-xs">{{i.BranchName}}: </span>
<el-tag size="mini" class="tagF"
closable @close="Delete(grSon,i)">
<!-- <span class="tagF KingdeeName" v-for="(i,indexs) in grSon.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<i class="iconfont icon-close" @click="Delete(grSon,i)"></i>
</span> -->
<td width="50px">
<span style="cursor: pointer;color:blue;text-decoration:underline;margin-right: 5px"
......@@ -211,10 +218,17 @@
<template v-else>
<td width="150px"></td>
<td width="150px" style="white-space:wrap">
<span class="tagF KingdeeName" v-for="(i,indexs) in son.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<p v-for="(i,indexs) in son.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<span class="q-mr-xs">{{i.BranchName}}: </span>
<el-tag size="mini" class="tagF"
closable @close="Delete(son,i)">
<!-- <span class="tagF KingdeeName" v-for="(i,indexs) in son.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<i class="iconfont icon-close" @click="Delete(son,i)"></i>
</span> -->
<td width="50px">
<span style="cursor: pointer;color:blue;text-decoration:underline;margin-right: 5px"
......@@ -230,10 +244,17 @@
<td width="150px"></td>
<td width="150px"></td>
<td width="150px" style="white-space:wrap">
<span class="tagF KingdeeName" v-for="(i,indexs) in item.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<p v-for="(i,indexs) in item.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<span class="q-mr-xs">{{i.BranchName}}: </span>
<el-tag size="mini" class="tagF"
closable @close="Delete(item,i)">
<!-- <span class="tagF KingdeeName" v-for="(i,indexs) in item.KingdeeList" :key="indexs">
<i class="iconfont icon-close" @click="Delete(item,i)"></i>
</span> -->
<span style="cursor: pointer;color:blue;text-decoration:underline;margin-right: 5px"
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