Commit f89caf46 authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent 7c697708
......@@ -80,15 +80,7 @@
<q-select filled v-model="msg.StuPurpose" dense @input="resetSearch" clearable :options="goalsList"
option-label="Name" option-value="Id" emit-value map-options label="学习目的" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-select @input="resetBelong" dense filled option-value="Id" option-label="Name" v-model="msg.BelongType"
:options="BelongTypeList" emit-value map-options label="归属类型" />
<div class="col-3" v-if="msg.BelongType == 4">
<q-select @input="resetSearch" dense clearable @filter="filterSubord" use-input filled option-value="Id"
option-label="EmployeeName" v-model="msg.CreateIds" multiple :options="SubordList" emit-value map-options
label="我下属的" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-field filled dense>
<template v-slot:control>
......@@ -116,16 +108,16 @@
<q-select @input="resetSearch" dense filled option-value="Id" option-label="Name"
v-model="msg.StuGuestState" clearable :options="hetongList" emit-value map-options label="合同状态" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-select @input="msg.StuSourceId='',msg.StuChannel='',resetSearch()" dense clearable filled
option-value="Id" option-label="Name" v-model="msg.CreateType" :options="customFromList" emit-value
map-options label="客户来源" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-select filled v-model="msg.CreateBy" dense use-input @filter="filterStudent" label="市场"
:options="MarketList" option-label="EmployeeName" @input="resetSearch" clearable option-value="Id"
emit-value map-options />
<div class="col-3">
<q-select @input="msg.StuSourceId='',msg.StuChannel='',resetSearch()" dense clearable filled
option-value="Id" option-label="Name" v-model="msg.CreateType" :options="customFromList" emit-value
map-options label="客户来源" />
<div class="col-3" v-if="msg.CreateType==1">
<q-select filled v-model="msg.StuChannel" @input="resetSearch" label="收客渠道" dense :options="StuChannelList"
option-label="Name" option-value="Id" emit-value map-options use-input clearable
......@@ -278,7 +270,7 @@
EFTime: '',
StuStage: '', //客户状态
Q_FType: '1', //跟进类型 1范围内有跟进记录 2范围内没有跟进记录
BelongType: 1,
CreateIds: [],
School_Id: '-1', //校区
CourseId: '', //课程
......@@ -287,28 +279,10 @@
StuChannel: "", //收客渠道
StuSourceId: '',
StuPurpose: '', //学习目的
QueryTpye: 3,
QueryTpye: 3, //市场部查询
AdvisorStatus: "", //当前状态
CreateBy: "", //创建人员
BelongTypeList: [{
Id: 1,
Name: "全部"
Id: 2,
Name: "我负责的"
Id: 3,
Name: "我协同的"
Id: 4,
Name: "我下属的"
loading: false,
dataList: null, //列表数据
PageCount: 0,
......@@ -363,13 +337,6 @@
created() {
let userinfo = this.getLocalStorage(); => { //判断权限
if (x.FunctionCode == "studentTracking_look") { //判断是否有保存的权限
this.msg.IsQueryMyStu = 0
......@@ -686,12 +653,6 @@
this.customState = res.Data;
resetBelong() {
if (this.msg.BelongType != 4) {
this.msg.pageIndex = 1;
filterFnkec(val, update) {
update(() => {
......@@ -30,15 +30,6 @@
<q-select filled v-model="msg.StuPurpose" dense @input="resetSearch" clearable :options="goalsList"
option-label="Name" option-value="Id" emit-value map-options label="学习目的" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-select @input="resetBelong" dense filled option-value="Id" option-label="Name" v-model="msg.BelongType"
:options="BelongTypeList" emit-value map-options label="归属类型" />
<div class="col-3" v-if="msg.BelongType == 4">
<q-select @input="resetSearch" dense clearable @filter="filterSubord" use-input filled option-value="Id"
option-label="EmployeeName" v-model="msg.CreateIds" multiple :options="SubordList" emit-value map-options
label="我下属的" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-field filled dense>
<template v-slot:control>
......@@ -234,28 +225,10 @@
StuChannel: "", //收客渠道
StuSourceId: '',
StuPurpose: '', //学习目的,
QueryTpye: 1,
QueryTpye: 1,//课程顾问部查询
AdvisorStatus: "", //当前状态
BelongTypeList: [{
Id: 1,
Name: "全部"
Id: 2,
Name: "我负责的"
Id: 3,
Name: "我协同的"
Id: 4,
Name: "我下属的"
loading: false,
dataList: null, //列表数据
PageCount: 0,
......@@ -309,13 +282,6 @@
created() {
let userinfo = this.getLocalStorage(); => { //判断权限
if (x.FunctionCode == "studentTracking_look") { //判断是否有保存的权限
this.msg.IsQueryMyStu = 0
......@@ -619,12 +585,7 @@
this.customState = res.Data;
resetBelong() {
if (this.msg.BelongType != 4) {
this.msg.pageIndex = 1;
filterFnkec(val, update) {
update(() => {
......@@ -80,15 +80,6 @@
<q-select filled v-model="msg.StuPurpose" dense @input="resetSearch" clearable :options="goalsList"
option-label="Name" option-value="Id" emit-value map-options label="学习目的" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-select @input="resetBelong" dense filled option-value="Id" option-label="Name" v-model="msg.BelongType"
:options="BelongTypeList" emit-value map-options label="归属类型" />
<div class="col-3" v-if="msg.BelongType == 4">
<q-select @input="resetSearch" dense clearable @filter="filterSubord" use-input filled option-value="Id"
option-label="EmployeeName" v-model="msg.CreateIds" multiple :options="SubordList" emit-value map-options
label="我下属的" />
<div class="col-3">
<q-field filled dense>
<template v-slot:control>
......@@ -276,12 +267,10 @@
WeChatNo: '',
StuType: '', //学生类型
StuGuestState: '', //合同状态
IsQueryMyStu: '1', //是否查询我的学员 1是 0否
SFTime: '',
EFTime: '',
StuStage: '', //客户状态
Q_FType: '1', //跟进类型 1范围内有跟进记录 2范围内没有跟进记录
BelongType: 1,
CreateIds: [],
School_Id: '-1', //校区
CourseId: '', //课程
......@@ -291,28 +280,9 @@
StuSourceId: '',
StuPurpose: '', //学习目的
HeadTeacherId: '', //老师
QueryTpye: 2,
QueryTpye: 2,//老师查询
AdvisorStatus: "", //当前状态
BelongTypeList: [{
Id: 1,
Name: "全部"
Id: 2,
Name: "我负责的"
Id: 3,
Name: "我协同的"
Id: 4,
Name: "我下属的"
loading: false,
dataList: null, //列表数据
PageCount: 0,
......@@ -370,14 +340,6 @@
created() {
let userinfo = this.getLocalStorage(); => { //判断权限
if (x.FunctionCode == "studentTracking_look") { //判断是否有保存的权限
this.msg.IsQueryMyStu = 0
if (this.$route.query) {
if (this.$route.query.HeadTeacherId) {
this.msg.HeadTeacherId = parseInt(this.$route.query.HeadTeacherId)
......@@ -704,12 +666,6 @@
this.customState = res.Data;
resetBelong() {
if (this.msg.BelongType != 4) {
this.msg.pageIndex = 1;
filterFnkec(val, update) { //课程的栓选
update(() => {
if (val === '') {
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