Commit a964391e authored by youjie's avatar youjie

语言 新增英语

parent 65de7a4f
This diff is collapsed.
export const obj = {
//#region ending v1.0.0
orderid: 'Order Id',
pickup: 'Pick up at the airport',
send:'Airport drop-off',
halfday:'Half a day',
allday: 'Whole day',
oneclickfinish: 'One click to finish ',
finished: 'Finished ',
uncompleted: 'Not completed ',
copied: 'Copied',
guestinfor: 'Guest information ',
orderholder: 'Next single ',
driver: 'Driver ',
assistantdriver: 'Assistantdriver',
preparedocument: 'Prepare a document ',
collectiondocument: 'Receipt document ',
nocollectiondocument: 'No receipt ',
refundreceipt: 'Refund receipt ',
norefundreceipt: 'No refundreceipt ',
costdocument: 'Cost document ',
nocostdocument: 'No cost documents available',
invoicedocument: 'Invoice document ',
noinvoicedocument: 'No invoices yet ',
balanceout:'Balance out',
groundsforcancellation: 'Grounds for cancellation',
precharge: 'Offset against advance payment ',
amountoffset: 'Offset amount ',
onlyoneitem: 'Only oneitem can be selected! ',
atleastone: 'Choose atleastone ',
settlementstatus: 'Settlementstatus ',
nipponcardealership: 'Japanese Car Dealership ',
remarkquery: 'Remark query ',
dealershipcustomer: 'Dealershipcustomer ',
generatedocuments: 'Generate financial documents ',
selecteddata: 'Selected data ',
chase: 'chase',
admissionticketid: 'Ticket order number ',
vehicleid: 'Vehicle order number ',
impressioncarshopid: 'Impressioncarshop order number ',
teamordernumber: 'Team ordernumber ',
visaordernumber: 'Visa ordernumber ',
originalamount: 'originalamount ',
relatedmonthlystatement: 'Associated Monthly Payment Statement ',
havealreadysettled: 'Settled ',
unsettled: 'not settled ',
monthlystatementofcosts: 'Monthly Statement of Costs ',
pleaseselectdocuments: 'Please select the data you want to document ',
theorderselected: 'Selected number ',
whethertocontinueorder: 'Whether tocontinue generating financial documents ',
monthlypayment: 'monthlypayment ',
jzdxz: 'Debit Slip Download ',
sqs: 'Application Form ',
xz: 'Download ',
pzdy: 'Certificate printing ',
kjhbdy: 'Accounting Consolidation Printing ',
dydj: 'Print the documents ',
sklx: 'Collection type ',
dscgd: 'E-commerce Purchase Order ',
dsckd: 'E-commerce delivery order ',
bsbyd: 'Reporting Losses/Overflows ',
tcxq: 'Royalty Details ',
ckspxq: 'View hand Details ',
bfjl: 'Visit Records ',
yygj: 'Hawkeye Trajectory ',
jdzr: 'Hotel Discount ',
xgdj: 'Relevant documents ',
ckwljsxq: 'View Settlement Details ',
ckyjxq: 'View monthly Statement Details ',
zd: 'Bill ',
jpdh: 'Ticket Number ',
pwtcxq: 'Ticket Royalty Details ',
pwgzxq: 'Ticketing Salary Details ',
dxjddd: 'Individual Hotel Orders ',
dxmpdd: 'Single Ticket Order ',
dxcdd: 'Single Vehicle Order ',
chdd: 'Car Shop Order ',
dxxstcxq: 'Individual Sales Commission Details ',
dxoptcxq: 'Single OP commission Details ',
lkyj: 'Passenger Comments ',
bjdfj: 'Quotation Attachment ',
lddywl: 'Tour Guides ',
spfxq: 'Hand Distribution Fee Details ',
ckbjd: 'View quotation ',
fj: 'Accessories ',
cktd: 'View the Team ',
tdsz: 'Team Revenue and Expenditure ',
qzsz: 'Visa Payments ',
qzdd: 'Visa Order ',
ykjh: 'Use Plan ',
ldbz: 'Team Leader reimbursement ',
czft: 'Fare Sharing ',
djczrz: 'Document operation log ',
fppz: 'Invoice voucher ',
dsh: 'Pending review ',
djtzscfp: 'Click/drag to upload invoice ',
scfp: 'Upload invoice ',
spfgldj: 'Hand Distribution Fee Correlation Sheet ',
ptdh: 'Platform number ',
zffs: 'Payment Method ',
zfrq: 'Payment date ',
dytis: "For better printing effect, please click Print documents on the page to print again, thank you",
tsbh: 'Special Dismissal ',
zhu: 'note',
bhtis: 'Upon rejection, the document will begin the approval process again. Note content will be displayed in the operation log ',
dxfwtxxt: 'Single Service Withdrawal Details ',
qsxq: 'Session Details ',
djpxq: 'Single Ticket Details ',
tdszmx: 'Team Income and Expenditure Breakdown ',
spfxq: 'Hand Distribution Fee Details ',
cbyjxq: 'Cost monthly Settlement Details ',
zdxq: 'Billing Details ',
tcmx: 'Royalty Details ',
gntcxq: 'Domestic Royalty Details ',
gnoptcxq: 'Domestic OP Commission Details ',
dxtcxq: 'Single Royalty Details ',
twtcxq: 'Taiwan Royalty Details ',
twxstcxq: 'Taiwan Sales Commission Details ',
twxsdjtcxq: 'Taiwan Sales Commission Details ',
cjtcxq: 'Exit Royalty Details ',
cjoptcxq: 'Outbound OP Commission Details ',
pwtcxq: 'Ticket Royalty Details ',
lsdywwl: 'Temporary tour guide, no contacts ',
hbdjgyfppzwj: 'Merge documents, share invoice documents ',
qscfpwj: 'Please upload invoice voucher file ',
qscfjwj: 'Please upload attached file ',
sfdykhl: 'Whether to print customer copy ',
bjdck: 'Price list View ',
ydscbkhf: 'Once deleted is not recoverable, confirm deletion? ',
contractcustomer: 'Contract customer ',
originalrefund: 'Original refund ',
documentparticulars: 'Document particulars ',
invoicevoucherreview: 'Invoicing document review ',
mergerapproval: 'Merger approval',
closemergerapproval: 'Close merge approval ',
Handdistributionfeeincome: 'hands match fee income',
Disableapproval: 'Disable one-click approval',
Oneclickapproval: 'One-click approval',
noOneclicktransfer: 'Turn off one-click transfer ',
oneclicktransfer: 'One click to transfer',
payroll: 'payroll ',
Expensenote: 'Expense Notes ',
Lookonlyatuploads: 'Only look at uploading invoices ',
Urgesbtoexamine: 'Urge sb. to examine',
Commissionsetting: 'Commissionsetting ',
Payersetup: 'payer setup ',
Modifytheexchangerate: 'Modifytheexchangerate ',
Modifytradingmethod: 'Modifytradingmethod ',
Modifyexchangeratetips: 'Note: If you change the account to a different currency, you need to change the exchangerate of the document ',
Tothedocumenter: 'Document maker to hand over ',
Handpartscharge: 'hand charge ',
Modifythepayer: 'Modifythepayer ',
Balanceouttisp: 'Note: Please check the documents and click below to confirm the offset ',
Prepaymentrefund: 'Prepaymentrefund ',
caravanshopcol: {
t1: 'Car/usage time/days ',
t2: 'Car Details ',
t3: 'Total amount ',
t4: 'Collection amount ',
t5: 'Paid in ',
t6: 'Refund ',
t7: 'Platform amount in transit ',
t8: 'Platform tax ',
t9: 'Cost amount ',
unit: {
day: 'day ',
thefirst: 'first ',
export default obj;
export const obj = {
qbfapiao: 'All invoices ',
wfqide: 'I started it ',
dwspide: 'Pending my approval ',
wspide: 'I approved it ',
wzfeide: 'I canceled it ',
bbhuide: 'Dismissed ',
csgwode: 'CC me ',
shenpi: 'Approval ',
tonggei: 'Through ',
jujue: 'No ',
bohui: 'Dismissed ',
qrenhan: 'Confirmation letter ',
gongji: 'Total ',
tdqdi: 'Article, current clause ',
tiao: 'Bar. ',
shwanbi: 'Review completed ',
yi: 'Already ',
fpkjsqdan: 'Application for Invoice Issuance ',
bumen: 'Department ',
sqren: 'Applicant ',
kjjine: 'Issue amount ',
dzjine: 'Amount received ',
dzyinhang: 'To the bank ',
sqriqi: 'Application date ',
dzriqi: 'arrival date ',
tuanhao: 'Tuanhao ',
ddanhao: 'Order number ',
cwdanju: 'Financial documents ',
zanwu: 'Not yet ',
kjneirong: 'Open content ',
shuihao: 'Tax ID ',
khuhang: 'Account bank ',
shuihao2: 'Tax ID: ',
qsrshuihao: 'Please enter your tax ID ',
sfxianshi: 'Whether to show ',
yjshzqbyjxqtcz: 'Do not do anything else during the one-click audit ',
yjzjzqbyjxqtcz: 'Do not perform other operations during one-click transfer',
export default obj;
export const obj = {
export default obj;
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -154,6 +154,40 @@ export const obj = {
Modifythepayer: '修改付款对象',
Balanceouttisp: '注:冲抵请勾选单据后点击下方确认冲抵',
Prepaymentrefund: '预付款退款',
zhutuanhao: '组团号',
yinliuren: '引流人',
guanlian: '关联',
ruzhuriqi: '入住日期',
ruzhuxinxi: '入驻信息',
fangxinzonjia: '按照入住人数*房型单价=房型总价小计(不含稅)',
renjian: '人间',
daodianfukuan: '到店自付',
chufaqianfukuan: '出发前付款',
shoupeifeiyinshou: '手配费应收',
shoupeifeipintaisj: '手配费平台税金',
daodianfutips: '到店自付酒店,需要您于',
shangchuanlvkemindan: '上车旅客名单',
dindianfukuan: '订单总金额',
dindanbiangeng: '订单变更',
relevance: '关联',
ziugaishoushunje: '修改收损金额',
quxiaodindanyy: '请填写取消订单的缘由',
bianjikehubz: '编辑客户备注',
bianjiopbz: '编辑OP备注',
qinshurushoushunje: '请输入收损金额',
opbeizhunonull: 'OP备注不能为空',
qingouxuanwanjieshuju: '请勾选需要完结的数据',
shifouquedinwanjie: '是否确认完结?',
qinxianzhidanzaizhicbtkdj: '请先制收款单据,再制成本或退款单据!',
shifouquxiaodd: '是否确定取消订单?',
shifouquedinss: '是否确认设置收损?',
shifuquediandd: '是否确认订单?',
qinxuanzhegldop: '请选择需要关联的OP',
bianjizje: '编辑总金额',
zongrenshu: '总人数',
zongticeng: '总提成',
chakanticengmx: '查看提成明细',
tichengfanshi: '提成方式',
caravanshopcol: {
t1: '车/使用时间/天数',
t2: '用车详情',
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<template v-else>{{ objNew.commissionMoney?moneyFormat(objNew.commissionMoney):objNew.SellCommission }}</template>
<el-dialog width="1000px" title="提成详情" :visible.sync="outerVisible" center>
<el-dialog width="1000px" :title="$t('objFill.tcxq')" :visible.sync="outerVisible" center>
<div class="flexOne domesticCommissionUser">
......@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
<span style="margin-left: 20px;">总提成:{{dataObj.TotalMoney}}</span>
<span style="margin-left: 20px;">{{$t('objFill.zongticeng')}}:{{dataObj.TotalMoney}}</span>
<input type="button" class="normalBtn" value="查看提成明细"
<input type="button" class="normalBtn" :value="$t('objFill.chakanticengmx')"
@click="goUrl" />
......@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@
<th style="width: 100px;">出团公司</th>
<th style="width: 80px;">类型</th>
<th style="width: 80px;">{{OP?'团/订单':'订单号'}}</th>
<th style="width: 150px;">团号</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">姓名</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{OP?'':'订单'}}人数</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">提成方式</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">提成比例</th>
<th style="width: 100px;" v-if="!OP">当月利润</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{OP?'':'团队'}}利润</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">提成金额</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">期数</th>
<th width='200'>备注</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{$t('scen.sc_cp')}}</th>
<th style="width: 80px;">{{$t('advmanager.v_type')}}</th>
<th style="width: 80px;">{{OP?$t('commonPickUp.Pick_Team')+'/'+$t('fnc.dingdan'):$t('hotel.order_Number')}}</th>
<th style="width: 150px;">{{$t('visa.v_tuanhao')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{$t('system.query_name')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{OP?'':$t('fnc.dingdan')}}{{$t('admin.admin_personNumber')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{$t('objFill.tichengfanshi')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{$t('fnc.tcbili')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;" v-if="!OP">{{$t('objFill.danyuelirun')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{OP?'':$t('active.cl_team')}}{{$t('restaurant.res_profit')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{$t('salesModule.TCmoney')}}</th>
<th style="width: 100px;">{{$t('tips.qishu')}}</th>
<th width='200'>{{$t('pub.pubRemark')}}</th>
<tr v-for="(item,index) in dataList"
......@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
<template v-if="OP">{{item.Way==1?'人头奖励':'利润比例'}}</template>
<template v-if="OP">{{item.Way==1?$t('objFill.rentoujianli'):$t('objFill.lirunbili')}}</template>
<template v-if="OP">
<template v-else>
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<tr v-if="dataList.length==0">
<td style="text-align:center" colspan="13">暂无数据</td>
<td style="text-align:center" colspan="13">{{$t('system.content_noData')}}</td>
<!-- 分页 -->
......@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<button class="hollowFixedBtn" @click="outerVisible = false">取消</button> &nbsp;
<!-- <button class="normalBtn" type="primary" @click="outerVisible = false">确定</button> -->
<button class="hollowFixedBtn" @click="outerVisible = false">{{$t('pub.cancelBtn')}}</button> &nbsp;
<!-- <button class="normalBtn" type="primary" @click="outerVisible = false">{{$t('pub.sureBtn')}}</button> -->
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
path: name,
query: {
blank: 'y',
tab: '提成明细'
tab: this.$t('objFill.tcmx')
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<el-form class="cdForm" label-width="90px" :model="msg" :rules="rules" ref="msg">
<template v-if="CorrelationObj.TypeNum!=4 && CorrelationObj.TypeNum!=5 && CorrelationObj.TypeNum!=6">
<el-form-item label="OP" prop="OpEmpId">
<el-select filterable v-model='msg.OpEmpId' placeholder="请选择OP">
<el-select filterable v-model='msg.OpEmpId' :placeholder="$t('pub.pleaseSel')+'OP'">
<el-option v-for='item in EmployeeList'
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
<template v-else>
<el-form-item label="总金额" prop="Money">
<el-input v-model='msg.Money' placeholder="请输入总金额"></el-input>
<el-form-item :label="$t('fnc.a_zongjine')" prop="Money">
<el-input v-model='msg.Money' :placeholder="$t('rule.qsrzjine')"></el-input>
......@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@
OpEmpId: [{
required: true,
message: '请选择需要关联的OP',
message: this.$t('objFill.qinxuanzhegldop'),
trigger: 'change'
Money: [{
required: true,
message: '请输入总金额',
message: this.$t('rule.qsrzjine'),
trigger: 'blur'
......@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
this.msg.OpEmpId = newValue.OpEmpId?newValue.OpEmpId:null
if(newValue.TypeNum==4 || newValue.TypeNum==5 || newValue.TypeNum==6){
this.msg.Money = newValue.Money
this.Title = '编辑总金额'
this.Title = this.$t('objFill.bianjizje')
this.Title = '关联OP'
this.Title = `${this.$t('objFill.guanlian')}OP`
......@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
this.msg.OpEmpId = this.CorrelationObj.OpEmpId?this.CorrelationObj.OpEmpId:null
if(this.CorrelationObj.TypeNum==4 || this.CorrelationObj.TypeNum==5 || this.CorrelationObj.TypeNum==6){
this.msg.Money = this.CorrelationObj.Money
this.Title = '修改总价'
this.Title = `${this.$t('pub.updateMsg')}${this.$t('op.TotalMoney')}`
this.Title = '关联OP'
this.Title = `${this.$t('objFill.guanlian')}OP`
......@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
<i class="el-icon-question c059FF6 cursor-pointer"></i>
......@@ -277,6 +277,8 @@
class="iconfont icon-duigou"></i></el-dropdown-item>
<el-dropdown-item @click.native="ChangeLan('zh-TW')">繁体中文 <i v-if="language=='zh-TW'"
class="iconfont icon-duigou"></i></el-dropdown-item>
<el-dropdown-item @click.native="ChangeLan('en-US')">English <i v-if="language=='en-US'"
class="iconfont icon-duigou"></i></el-dropdown-item>
<div class="row-c cursor-pointer radius5 change py5" @click="goUrlAdd">
<span class="c059FF6">申请发票</span>
<span class="c059FF6">{{$t('salesModule.ApplyInvoice')}}</span>
<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 0;width: 100%; display: flex;justify-content: center;padding: 0 0 10px 0 ;"
<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 0;width: 100%; display: flex;justify-content: center;padding: 0 0 10px 0 ;"
:style="{'background-image':upIcon?'linear-gradient(-180deg,rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%,#fff 70%)':'linear-gradient(-180deg,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,#fff 70%)',
<span style="width: 100px;color: red;cursor: pointer;" @click="viewMore">
<span style="display: flex;align-items: center;" v-if="!upIcon">展开 <span style="margin-top: 5px;"></span></span>
<span style="display: flex;align-items: center;" v-else>收起 <span style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> ︿</span></span>
<span style="display: flex;align-items: center;" v-if="!upIcon">{{$t('fnc.zhankai')}} <span style="margin-top: 5px;"></span></span>
<span style="display: flex;align-items: center;" v-else>{{$t('fnc.shouqi')}} <span style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> ︿</span></span>
export default {
props: ["upIcon"],
components: {},
data() {
return {
watch: {
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
mounted() {
methods: {
viewMore() {
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<style scoped>
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