Commit af77d521 authored by 黄奎's avatar 黄奎


parent 76b80150
......@@ -35,23 +35,16 @@
<template v-else>
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="toPDF_2023()" style="margin-left:20px;">
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="toPDF_2023()">
<!-- <el-dropdown size="medium" @command="tripDownLoadClick" split-button type="primary" @click="handleClick">
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
<el-dropdown-item command="1" style="display:none;">行程(同行备注)</el-dropdown-item>
<el-dropdown-item command="2" style="display:none;">行程(无同行备注)</el-dropdown-item>
</el-dropdown> -->
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="toPDF_2023(1)" style="margin-left:20px;display:none;">
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="gernalFeature(1)" style="margin-left:20px;">
<!-- 可以让销售修改基本信息-->
<el-button v-if="orderId>0" type="primary" size="medium" value="修改信息" @click="editMsgShow=true">
<el-checkbox class="marginL11" style="display:none;" v-model="isShowTime">显示行程日期</el-checkbox>
......@@ -294,14 +287,6 @@
}, 2000)
methods: {
handleClick() {
tripDownLoadClick(command) {
getWxCode: function () {
this.apipost('survey_post_GetSurveyWeiXinShare', {
......@@ -551,40 +536,41 @@
title += this.orderMsg.lineteamName + this.orderMsg.dayNum + '日游';
var fileName = title + ".pdf";
that.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
// if (this.orderId && this.orderId > 0) {
// //出团通知书下载
// this.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
// } else if (urlObj.IsOnline == 0) {
// //本地行程下载
// this.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
// } else if (command && command == "1") {
// //阿里云行程下载
// var objFileKey = "TripDownLoad"
// objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid;
// objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid + "_B2B.pdf";
// that.downloadChengDuFileRename(objFileKey, fileName, res => {
// if (res.resultCode == 0) {
// msg.isShowB2B = 1;
// that.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
// } else {
// that.pdfLoading = false;
// }
// })
// } else if (command && command == 2) {
// //阿里云行程下载
// var objFileKey = "TripDownLoad"
// objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid;
// objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid + ".pdf";
// that.downloadChengDuFileRename(objFileKey, fileName, res => {
// if (res.resultCode == 0) {
// msg.isShowB2B = 0;
// that.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
// } else {
// that.pdfLoading = false;
// }
// })
// }
if (this.orderId && this.orderId > 0) {
this.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
} else if (urlObj.IsOnline == 0) {
this.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
} else if (command && command == 1) {
var objFileKey = "TripDownLoad"
objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid;
objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid + "_B2B.pdf";
that.downloadChengDuFileRename(objFileKey, fileName, res => {
if (res.resultCode == 0) {
msg.isShowB2B = 1;
that.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
} else {
that.pdfLoading = false;
} else if (command && command == 2) {
var objFileKey = "TripDownLoad"
objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid;
objFileKey += "/" + msg.configId + "_" + msg.tcid + ".pdf";
that.downloadChengDuFileRename(objFileKey, fileName, res => {
if (res.resultCode == 0) {
msg.isShowB2B = 0;
that.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
} else {
that.pdfLoading = false;
} else {
that.pdfDownLoad(fileName, msg);
pdfDownLoad: function (fileName, msg) {
let urlObj = this.domainManager();
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