Commit d967c69a authored by 华国豪's avatar 华国豪 🙄


parent a0a836d7
......@@ -102,19 +102,19 @@
<li><span>待付金额:</span><span :class="{color_red:(allMoneyP-shiMoneyP)!==allMoneyP}">{{moneyFormat(allMoneyP-shiMoneyP)}}</span></li>
<p class="sfd_tit clearfix">收款单 <input type="button" v-if="item.isOwn ===1 && item.orderState !== '4' && item.orderState !== '3'" value="新增收款" class="normalBtn" @click="addFinancialOrder(1)"></p>
<p class="sfd_tit clearfix">收款单 <input type="button" v-if="(item.isOwn ? item.isOwn : item.IsOwn) ===1 && (item.orderState ? item.orderState : item.OrderState) !== '4' && (item.orderState ? item.orderState : item.OrderState) !== '3'" value="新增收款" class="normalBtn" @click="addFinancialOrder(1)"></p>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="teamRevenueExpenditureTable">
<th width="100">单号</th>
<th width="200">费用类型</th>
<th width="350">交易方式</th>
<th width="150">同行转款</th>
<th width="150">应收</th>
<th width="150">实收</th>
<th width="150">平台税金</th>
<th width="100">同行转款</th>
<th width="100">应收</th>
<th width="100">实收</th>
<th width="100">平台税金</th>
<th width="150">交易日期</th>
<th width="">制单人员</th>
<th width="">当前状态</th>
<th width="100">制单人员</th>
<th width="120">当前状态</th>
<tr v-for="(item, index) in dataList">
<td width="100" @click="goUrl('财务单据','FinancialDocumentsDetail',item.FrID)"><span>{{item.FrID}}</span></th>
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
<p class="sfd_tit clearfix">付款单 <input type="button" v-if="item.isOwn ===1 && item.orderState !== '4' && item.orderState !== '3'" value="新增付款" class="normalBtn" @click="addFinancialOrder(2)"></p>
<p class="sfd_tit clearfix">付款单 <input type="button" v-if="(item.isOwn ? item.isOwn : item.IsOwn) ===1 && (item.orderState ? item.orderState : item.OrderState) !== '4' && (item.orderState ? item.orderState : item.OrderState) !== '3'" value="新增付款" class="normalBtn" @click="addFinancialOrder(2)"></p>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="teamRevenueExpenditureTable">
<th width="100">单号</th>
......@@ -434,10 +434,10 @@ export default {
this.userId = this.getLocalStorage().EmployeeId;
let obj = JSON.parse(this.$route.query.item)
this.item = obj
this.orderId = this.msg.OrderID = obj.orderId
this.tcnum = obj.tcnum
this.tcid = obj.tcid
this.outBranchId = obj.outBranchId
this.orderId = this.msg.OrderID = obj.orderId ? obj.orderId : obj.OrderId
this.tcnum = obj.tcnum ? obj.tcnum : obj.TCNUM
this.tcid = obj.tcid ? obj.tcid : obj.TCID
this.outBranchId = obj.outBranchId ? obj.outBranchId : obj.OutBranchId
......@@ -2433,14 +2433,14 @@ import updateSalesMan from "../../commonPage/updateSalesMan.vue";
goUrlSFD: function (path, name, item) {
let obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))
obj.oP_Remarks = ''
obj.remarksList = []
obj.refundFinanceList = []
obj.remarks = []
obj.ltName = []
obj.lineName = []
obj.financeList = []
obj.guestList = []
obj.description = []
obj.RemarksList = []
obj.RefundFinanceList = []
obj.Remarks = []
obj.LtName = []
obj.LineName = []
obj.FinanceList = []
obj.GuestList = []
obj.Description = []
name: path,
query: { blank: 'y', tab: name, item: JSON.stringify(obj)}
......@@ -1854,6 +1854,7 @@
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (this.ReadOnly) return;
if (val && this.oldVal != null) {
// console.log("watch_if_FeatureData",11111)
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