Commit 4232fce3 authored by youjie's avatar youjie

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parent 6117a7f8
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
z-index: 999;
v-if="(currentHeight < navs[0].top + 100&&$||
v-if="(currentHeight > navs[0].top + 100&&$||
(currentHeight>priceListHeight&&currentHeight < navs[0].top&&$"
:style="{ transform: stickyHeight }"
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
class="trip-module text-subtitle2 cursor-pointer q-mb-lg"
v-for="(x, i) in days"
@click="goScrollHandler( + 450)"
@click="goScrollHandler( + 100)"
'active-trip-moduleDay text-red active':
currentHeight >= &&
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