Commit 4fb31fdb authored by zhengke's avatar zhengke


parent 26bf5017
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<IconSearch class="cusor-pointer" @click.stop="refreshHandler"></IconSearch>
<template #append>
<el-select v-model="queryObj.QPPTistCloudGroupIds" placeholder="Select" style="width: 100px"
<el-select v-model="queryObj.QCreateBy" placeholder="Select" style="width: 100px"
<el-option label="稿定模板" value="1" />
<el-option label="我的空间" value="2" />
......@@ -317,8 +317,6 @@
CloudGroupId: '',
FileName: '',
total: 0,
QPPTistCloudGroupIds: '1',//稿定模版 云盘分组数组[1,2] 待定
imgType: 1,//模版 素材
layout: 1,//布局
QFileType: [],//格式
QStartTime: time[0],
......@@ -418,6 +416,7 @@
const MultipleChoice = (row:Array) =>{
datas.SelectedDatas = row
if(datas.SelectedDatas.length>0) datas.ControlsShow = true
import { array } from '@amcharts/amcharts4/core';
import Api,{ HttpResponse, Result } from './../utils/request';
class CloudDiskService{
static async BatchRemoveCloudInfo(IdList:any):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let params = {IdList}
return Api.Post("ppt_BatchRemoveCloudInfo",params)
static async GetPPTistCloudInfoFileFormatCount(QUserType:number):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let params = {QUserType}
return Api.Post("ppt_GetPPTistCloudInfoFileFormatCount",params)
static async BaiduImageDefinition(params:any):Promise<HttpResponse>{
return Api.Post("ppt_BaiduImageDefinition",params)
// 最近1周、最近1月、最近3个月 时分秒为00:00:00
// 明天的时间
var tomorrow = new Date()
tomorrow.setTime(tomorrow.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
var end = tomorrow
// 今天的时间
// var end = new Date()
var year = end.getFullYear()
var month:any = end.getMonth() + 1 // 0-11表示 1-12月
var day = end.getDate()
var dateObj = {start:'' as any,end:'' as any}
dateObj.start = null
dateObj.end = year + '-' + (month>9?month:'0'+month) + '-' + day
var endMonthDay = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate() // 当前月的总天数
// 获取近一周日期范围
export const getLastWeekDate = () => {
if (day - 7 <= 0) { // 如果在当月7日之前
const startMonthDay = new Date(year, (parseInt(month) - 1), 0).getDate() // 1周前所在月的总天数
if (month - 1 <= 0) { // 如果在当年的1月份
dateObj.start = (year - 1) + '-' + 12 + '-' + (31 - (7 - day))
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 1)>9?(month - 1):'0'+(month - 1)) + '-' + (startMonthDay - (7 - day))
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + (month>9?month:'0'+month) + '-' + (day - 7)
const lastWeekDate = [dateObj.start, dateObj.end]
return lastWeekDate
// 获取近一个月日期范围
export const getLastMonthDate = () => {
if (month - 1 <= 0) { // 如果是1月,年数往前推一年<br>
dateObj.start = (year - 1) + '-' + 12 + '-' + day
} else {
const startMonthDay = new Date(year, (parseInt(month) - 1), 0).getDate()
if (startMonthDay < day) { // 1个月前所在月的总天数小于现在的天日期
if (day < endMonthDay) { // 当前天日期小于当前月总天数
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 1)>9?(month - 1):'0'+(month - 1)) + '-' + (startMonthDay - (endMonthDay - day))
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 1)>9?(month - 1):'0'+(month - 1)) + '-' + startMonthDay
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 1)>9?(month - 1):'0'+(month - 1)) + '-' + day
const newMonthDate = [dateObj.start, dateObj.end]
return newMonthDate
// 获取近六个月日期范围
export const getLastSixMonthDate = () => {
if (month - 6 <= 0) { // 如果是1、2、3、4、5、6月,年数往前推一年
const start6MonthDay = new Date((year - 1), (12 - (6 - parseInt(month))), 0).getDate() // 6个月前所在月的总天数
if (start6MonthDay < day) { // 6个月前所在月的总天数小于现在的天日期
dateObj.start = (year - 1) + '-' + (12 - (6 - month)) + '-' + start6MonthDay
} else {
dateObj.start = (year - 1) + '-' + (12 - (6 - month)) + '-' + day
} else {
const start6MonthDay = new Date(year, (parseInt(month) - 6), 0).getDate() // 6个月前所在月的总天数
if (start6MonthDay < day) { // 3个月前所在月的总天数小于现在的天日期
if (day < endMonthDay) { // 当前天日期小于当前月总天数,2月份比较特殊的月份
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 6)>9?(month - 6):'0'+(month - 6)) + '-' + (start6MonthDay - (endMonthDay - day))
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 6)>9?(month - 6):'0'+(month - 6)) + '-' + start6MonthDay
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 6)>9?(month - 6):'0'+(month - 6)) + '-' + day
const newThreeMonthDate = [dateObj.start, dateObj.end]
return newThreeMonthDate
// 获取一年
export const getLastOneYearDate = () => {
if (month - 12 <= 0) { // 如果是1、2、3、4、5、6月,年数往前推一年
const startOneYearMonthDay = new Date((year - 1), (12 - (12 - parseInt(month))), 0).getDate() // 6个月前所在月的总天数
if (startOneYearMonthDay < day) { // 6个月前所在月的总天数小于现在的天日期
dateObj.start = (year - 1) + '-' + (12 - (12 - month)) + '-' + startOneYearMonthDay
} else {
dateObj.start = (year - 1) + '-' + (12 - (12 - month)) + '-' + day
} else {
const startOneYearMonthDay = new Date(year, (parseInt(month) - 12), 0).getDate() // 6个月前所在月的总天数
if (startOneYearMonthDay < day) { // 一年前所在月的总天数小于现在的天日期
if (day < endMonthDay) { // 当前天日期小于当前月总天数,2月份比较特殊的月份
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 12)>9?(month - 12):'0'+(month - 12)) + '-' + (startOneYearMonthDay - (endMonthDay - day))
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 12)>9?(month - 12):'0'+(month - 12)) + '-' + startOneYearMonthDay
} else {
dateObj.start = year + '-' + ((month - 12)>9?(month - 12):'0'+(month - 12)) + '-' + day
const newThreeMonthDate = [dateObj.start, dateObj.end]
return newThreeMonthDate
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