Commit bc60d150 authored by zhengke's avatar zhengke


parents 73e3efe9 745591f8
import Api,{ HttpResponse, Result } from './../utils/request';
import Api, { HttpResponse, Result } from './../utils/request';
class UserServices{
class UserServices {
static async setMyNickNamed(nk:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {nk}
......@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@ class UserServices{
return Api.Post("travel_BindUserEmail",msg)
static async AutoLoginAsync(t:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {t}
return Api.Post("travel_auto_login",msg)
static async AutoLoginAsync(t: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { t }
return Api.Post("travel_auto_login", msg)
static async CollectAsync():Promise<HttpResponse>{
static async CollectAsync(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = {}
return Api.Post("travel_collect",msg)
return Api.Post("travel_collect", msg)
static async UserSignOutAsync():Promise<HttpResponse>{
static async UserSignOutAsync(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = {}
return Api.Post("travel_set_signout",msg)
return Api.Post("travel_set_signout", msg)
static async PasswordLoginAsync(account:string,pwd:string,v_token:string,tid:string=''):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {account,pwd,v_token,tid}
return Api.Post("travel_login_password",msg)
static async PasswordLoginAsync(account: string, pwd: string, v_token: string, tid: string = ''): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { account, pwd, v_token, tid }
return Api.Post("travel_login_password", msg)
// static async RegistUserByPassAsync(account:string,pwd:string,nickname:string,token:string,tid:string=''):Promise<HttpResponse>{
......@@ -44,76 +44,81 @@ class UserServices{
// return Api.Post("travel_user_regist_pwd",msg)
// }
static async RegistUserAsync(mail:string,pwd:string,code:string,token:string,tid:string=''):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg:any = {mail,code,pwd,"v_token":token}
if(tid!='') msg.tid = tid
return Api.Post("travel_user_regist",msg)
static async RegistUserAsync(mail: string, pwd: string, code: string, token: string, tid: string = ''): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg: any = { mail, code, pwd, "v_token": token }
if (tid != '') msg.tid = tid
return Api.Post("travel_user_regist", msg)
static async GetProductAsync():Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {pageIndex:1,pageSize:100}
return Api.Post("ppt_GetPPTProduct",msg)
static async GetProductAsync(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100 }
return Api.Post("ppt_GetPPTProduct", msg)
static async SetMemberInfoAsync(nk:string,id:string,ia:0|1|-1):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {nk,id,ia}
return Api.Post("travel_set_member_info",msg)
static async SetMemberInfoAsync(nk: string, id: string, ia: 0 | 1 | -1): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { nk, id, ia }
return Api.Post("travel_set_member_info", msg)
static async RemoveMemberAsync(id:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {id}
return Api.Post("travel_remove_member",msg)
static async RemoveMemberAsync(id: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { id }
return Api.Post("travel_remove_member", msg)
static async SetTenantSAAsync(id:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {id}
return Api.Post("travel_set_sa",msg)
static async SetTenantSAAsync(id: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { id }
return Api.Post("travel_set_sa", msg)
static async SetTenantInviteCodeAsync(ia:0|1):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {ia}
return Api.Post("travel_set_invite_code",msg)
static async SetTenantInviteCodeAsync(ia: 0 | 1): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { ia }
return Api.Post("travel_set_invite_code", msg)
static async JoinTeamByInviteCodeAsync(code:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {code}
return Api.Post("travel_set_join_code",msg)
static async JoinTeamByInviteCodeAsync(code: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { code }
return Api.Post("travel_set_join_code", msg)
static async ValidateInviteCodeAsync(code:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {code}
return Api.Post("travel_validate_invite",msg)
static async ValidateInviteCodeAsync(code: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { code }
return Api.Post("travel_validate_invite", msg)
static async UserExitTenantAsync():Promise<HttpResponse>{
static async UserExitTenantAsync(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = {}
return Api.Post("travel_set_userexit_tenant",msg)
return Api.Post("travel_set_userexit_tenant", msg)
static async GetTripSampleCountAsync():Promise<HttpResponse>{
static async GetTripSampleCountAsync(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = {}
return Api.Post("travel_sample_count",msg)
return Api.Post("travel_sample_count", msg)
static async SendRegistCodeAsync(mail:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {mail}
return Api.Post("travel_regist_mail",msg)
static async SendRegistCodeAsync(mail: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { mail }
return Api.Post("travel_regist_mail", msg)
static async NeedVerifyStatusAsync():Promise<HttpResponse>{
static async NeedVerifyStatusAsync(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = {}
return Api.Post("travel_login_verify",msg)
return Api.Post("travel_login_verify", msg)
static async SendResetPassCodeAsync(mail: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg = { mail }
return Api.Post("travel_forgot_pass", msg)
static async SendResetPassCodeAsync(mail:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg = {mail}
return Api.Post("travel_forgot_pass",msg)
static async VerifyResetPassCodeAsync(mail: string, code: string, v_token: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg: any = { code }
if (mail != '') msg.mail = mail
if (v_token != '') msg.v_token = v_token
return Api.Post("travel_verify_forgotcode", msg)
static async VerifyResetPassCodeAsync(mail:string,code:string,v_token:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg:any = {code}
if(mail!='') msg.mail = mail
if(v_token!='') msg.v_token = v_token
return Api.Post("travel_verify_forgotcode",msg)
static async ResetPasswordAsync(pw: string, v_token: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
let msg: any = { pw, v_token }
return Api.Post("travel_reset_password", msg)
static async ResetPasswordAsync(pw:string,v_token:string):Promise<HttpResponse>{
let msg:any = {pw,v_token}
return Api.Post("travel_reset_password",msg)
static async TestMethodAsync(cmdStr: string, postMsg: string): Promise<HttpResponse> {
return Api.Post(cmdStr, postMsg)
export default UserServices;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ import { useUserStore } from "@/store";
import { storeToRefs } from "pinia";
import { ref } from "vue";
import OrderReview from '@/views/components/Order/Review.vue'
import UserServices from "@/services/UserService";
const useUser = useUserStore()
const { userInfo } = storeToRefs(useUser)
......@@ -121,6 +122,18 @@ const orderVisible = ref(false)
const vipTheme = VIP_USER_THEME
const enTheme = ENT_USER_THEME
const testMethod = async ()=>{
var cmd="";
var postMsg={
const response = await UserServices.TestMethodAsync(cmd,postMsg);
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