Commit f77ce21e authored by 罗超's avatar 罗超


parent df5f3990
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<div class="relative" style="padding: 22px 17px; max-width:1440px; margin:0 auto;z-index: 2;">
<div :class="[datas.scrollTop>200?'MarketHeader':'']">
<div class="row items-center">
<img class="q-pr-36" src="" style="height: 28px;" />
<img class="q-pr-36 cusor-pointer" src="" style="height: 28px;" @click="forwordHandler('/space')" />
<div class="row grow Market-select reactive">
<el-input v-model="queryObj.Title" placeholder="请输入关键字" class="input-with-select q-pr-33">
<template #append>
......@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ const SwitchingVersion = (row: Object) =>{
const BeFondOf = (row: Object) => {
row.checked = !row.checked
const forwordHandler = (path:string)=>router.push({path})
// 删除模版
const deleteTemplate = (item:any) => {
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